Rules for returning concert tickets in the event of Olympic cancellation

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Published: 10/02/2018

Reading time: 6 min



Consumers have the right to a refund of concert tickets. This right does not depend on whether tickets were purchased at the box office or online via the Internet.

  • Legislation
  • How to return a concert ticket to the box office
  • How to return an e-ticket
  • Required documents
  • Ticket return deadlines
  • Grounds for refusing a refund

Normative base

An individual has the legal right to return a ticket to the box office of the organization from which it was purchased. In this case, consumer rights are supported by the following legislative norms:

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  1. According to Art. 32 of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, an individual has the right to refuse the service, but in this case it is necessary to pay the concert enterprise the costs incurred when filling out the form.
  2. According to Art. 782 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an individual has every right to refuse to attend a concert and demand monetary compensation from the administrator. In this case, it is necessary to pay the actual expenses incurred by the organization.
  3. According to Art. 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the organizer of a concert event is obliged to provide documentation that confirms the expenses spent on the procedure for canceling the service.

Please note:
Referring to these legal norms, an individual has the legal right to refuse the service and return his own money for concert tickets.

Refund by law

When returning a ticket, the buyer has the right to be guided by the following regulations:

  1. Article 32 of the Federal Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” establishes the prerogative to refuse to provide a service at any time. An important condition here is the obligation to reimburse expenses incurred by the contractor.
  2. Art. 782 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation regulates the first paragraph of preference.
  3. Part 2. Art. 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation established the duty of the contractor or seller to provide the buyer with documents proving the fact and amount of finance spent under a mutual agreement.

Please note! Federal legislation fully supports the client, and no internal guidelines or routines of the organization contradict the decision.

Can I return concert tickets?

Often, concerts of popular performers are in high demand, so in order to be able to get to the coveted event, you need to purchase tickets in advance. In most cases, ticket purchases must be made several months before the concert. During this period, various life circumstances may arise that prevent you from attending the long-awaited event.


According to Russian legislation, an individual has the right to return a ticket at any time convenient for him, before the start of the concert. There is no need to indicate the exact reason for canceling the service.

Every citizen has the right to return a pre-purchased ticket to the box office and receive their own money spent on the service in full. In this case, the actual amount of expenses incurred by the organization during the return procedure is withheld. The actual amount of expenses must be documented.

Is it possible to get a refund for an Olympic e-ticket?


In case of cancellation, postponement of a concert, replacement of a performer (soloist) or orchestra, tickets will be accepted within 10 days from the date of the concert.

In our country, there is an opinion, which is actively supported by the administrations of film and video entertainment enterprises, that they are subject to refund only when the performance is cancelled. When considering cases on the amount of compensation in court, the outcome of the case depends on the degree of proof of the contractor’s expenses and their confirmation by documents. The court will oblige the party that refuses to fulfill the terms of the contract ahead of schedule to pay only the proven expenses of the other party.

This is also indicated in the Review of Judicial Practice of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 1 dated March 4, 2015. Tickets are refunded in accordance with Article 108 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation.

It stipulates all the nuances of the procedure.

Your problem - call Moscow 8 St. Petersburg Free consultation - Russia or if it is more convenient for you, use the online consultant form! All consultations with lawyers are free.

A refund of the full cost of the ticket is possible only if the passenger returns the ticket within half an hour after purchasing it or if the bus does not depart due to the fault of the carrier company. How to return concert tickets? When will the refund be processed?

If we talk about legal deadlines, then you have the right to return your ticket before the start of the concert, even if there are 10 minutes left before it. Once the event has started, you will be considered to have already used the service.

Required documents

In order to return concert tickets and receive your own funds, you must:

  1. Write an official statement addressed to the administrator of the concert organization.
  2. Please provide the required information in your application:
  • Full name of the applicant, contact details;
  • the reason why attending the concert is impossible (this item is not mandatory by law, but it is recommended that the application be drawn up in as much detail as possible);
  • date and method of purchasing the service (at the concert hall box office, through an online service or otherwise);
  • the amount of money spent on this service (a receipt must be attached to the application);
  • When writing the text of the application, you must refer to legal norms.
  1. Submit the application personally to the administrator. The document must be registered, indicating the exact time and date of receipt of the application.

Additional information
The document is copied, a sample application for the return of concert tickets remains with the individual (applicant) until the funds are received.

Are lost concert tickets refunded using a receipt?

Lawyer, Moscow Chat Greetings, Tatyana! In this situation, it is worth contacting the organizers/management of the theater. As such, the ticket cannot be restored, because

It does not contain passport data (the ticket is only confirmation of the purchase). Most often, the organizers go to the meeting. And if the seats are not occupied, then there should be no problems.

July 11, 2021, 09:24 Was the lawyer’s response helpful?

+ 1 — 0 Client clarification I spoke with the theater manager and received the same answer - if the seats are not occupied. Selling tickets by hand is prohibited by law (correct me if I’m wrong), I have evidence that I purchased tickets (payment and the order itself), then people who came to the same seats purchased tickets by hand, i.e. illegally?

July 11, 2021, 09:52 Lawyer, city

What to do if your ticket is lost or damaged?

This means that if your ticket was stolen and somehow managed to be returned, then nothing can be done.

You are at the point of departure (for example: in), or you can get to the point of sale.

You will need to present an identification document, and exactly the one for which it was issued.

If such a document is also lost, then you need a certificate of its loss from the police. If you ever have to restore a ticket, you need to keep in mind: The restoration procedure may take from an hour to two hours, do not delay it.

How to restore a train ticket

Insurance is a reliable companion when traveling around the world! Apply for insurance Instructions 1 Find out if you can return your lost ticket. In order for the Russian Railways company to help you, the train for which you bought a ticket must be domestic.

Also, such a ticket must be purchased in Russia. To obtain a new international train ticket, contact the travel agency or foreign railway ticket office where you purchased it. 2 Contact the railway ticket office where you bought your ticket.

You can also reissue it at the train's departure or arrival station.


Ru Ural": Opera and Ballet Theatre, Drama Theatre, Nutcracker Ballet Theatre, Children's Philharmonic, Chamber Theatre, Puppet Theatre.

For the provision of services to the client when placing an order, a service fee is charged from the ticket price in the amount of 5% to 10%.

List of main services for the cost of the service fee: - information support service from the company’s official website when choosing tickets for an event; - the ability to select/select the tickets you need online or with the help of a Call Center operator and book them in your name at a minimum for a day.

How to restore a cash receipt

You save time, and your finances are always at your fingertips!

Install Instructions 1 If you have lost your cash receipt, don’t worry; you can terminate the sales contract, which is what lawyers call the return of goods. Each item has its own serial number - article, it usually consists of four or six numbers. The code is recorded in invoices and invoices, they are stored by the seller, the numbers of the article are repeated under the barcode.

The cash receipt also has its own number. Now we can build some connection.

Of course, you won’t be able to restore the check itself, but you can try to make a duplicate of it. 2 In order to make a duplicate receipt, you need to remember on what day the purchase was made, at what time and how many things were purchased.

If the buyer remembers everything and can confidently reproduce everything, then you can try to find this receipt in the program of the cash register or automated service.

Can concert tickets be returned to the box office?

However, this is not entirely true. To return a concert ticket, you need to take with you the following list of documents:

  1. Passport;
  2. The receipt that was given to you at the checkout. If it is a receipt, then in accordance with the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” you have the right to use any other documents confirming the fact of purchasing the ticket or the testimony of a person who was present at the time of purchasing the ticket;
  3. Purchased ticket;

Since concert organizers don't like it when tickets are returned, it's best to bring a couple of blank sheets of paper and a pen so you don't have to look for them right at the box office.

  1. At the box office, ask the person responsible for returning tickets to come to you (cashiers are not authorized to deal with such issues).

Concert ticket return policy

The buyer can book tickets from 5 to 30 days before the event.

Booked forms are collected no later than 5 days before the start of the concert/performance. The ticket form is approved in an organizational manner, in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Culture No. 257 “On approval of strict reporting forms.” The Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” gives citizens the opportunity to return the money spent on a purchased ticket or exchange it for another.

According to the provisions of Federal Law-2300-1, non-food products must be returned or exchanged within 14 days. The day of purchase is not taken into account.

If a citizen bought a ticket to a concert, but the event was canceled, or he was unable to attend due to personal circumstances, he has the right to return the money spent.

To do this, he needs: an application; purchased ticket.

Tip 1: How to restore an electronic ticket

Insurance is a reliable companion when traveling around the world! You will need to take out insurance

    - mobile phone; - computer with Internet access; - money.
    Instructions 1 If you have lost your e-ticket, you can restore it. There are several ways to do this. Log into your personal account, if it is on the website of the airline with which you have a transportation agreement.

    If you are not registered, you will need to go through this procedure. 2 Enter your contact information in the appropriate fields (first name, last name, patronymic, address, phone number, date of birth, etc.).

    After some time, you will receive an SMS message containing the password to access your personal account.


How can I return concert tickets purchased online?

If the service was paid not through the cash register, but through an online service, the procedure for returning funds is slightly different.

  1. Make a claim and send it to the organization’s email address. You can also contact the call center.
  2. It is necessary to visit the head office (the legal and actual address of the company selling services can be found on the website). Bring your passport and payment receipt with you. Moreover, the information on the receipt and in the passport must be identical, otherwise the refund will be refused.
  3. The amount of money spent by an individual on payment of communication fees, reservations and/or courier services is not subject to compensation.

It is important to remember that the closer the date of the event, the smaller the amount will be returned to the individual.

How to return concert tickets purchased through Yandex?

If the service was paid for through Yandex, you can return concert tickets in several ways:

  1. In some cases, automatic order cancellation is available. You can see it in a letter sent by email after purchasing a ticket through Yandex. You must go to the provided link and fill out the form provided.
  2. If automatic order cancellation is not supported, you must contact the concert hall box office and submit an application for a refund for concert tickets.

If the service was paid for by bank card, monetary compensation will also be made to the bank account from which the payment was made.

How to change the departure date of an Aeroflot electronic ticket

It is not possible to exchange tickets for trains that cross the Russian border and go to foreign countries. You can also only return them and buy new ones.

Re-registration is possible for trains traveling with:

  • Republic of Belarus,
  • Republic of Kazakhstan,
  • Republic of Kyrgyzstan,
  • Republic of Latvia,
  • Republic of Lithuania,
  • Republic of Moldova,
  • Republic of Tajikistan,
  • Republic of Uzbekistan,
  • Republic of Estonia.

If electronic check-in is completed and there is less than 1 hour left before departure, it is impossible to return the ticket.

  • Change your train to another, including an earlier one.
  • You can change the seat and type of carriage (for example, a compartment to a reserved seat or vice versa).
  • Change the route without changing the destination station - with an additional payment for a longer route or with payment of the difference for a shorter route.
  • Children's tickets can be converted to adults at full price or to children's tickets, but for different seats. Passenger details cannot be changed.
  • You cannot reissue the same ticket for another person.
  • You cannot change a train to one departing later than the current one.
  • Change the type of train from passenger to high-speed (Sapsan, etc.) and back.
  • Change the carrier (for example, JSC FPC to JSC TKS).
  • Change departure and destination stations.
  • Exchange a non-refundable ticket for a refundable one.

When exchanging tickets, all commissions and fees are non-refundable. The ticket price will be refunded minus:

  • fee of JSC Russian Railways for ticket exchange (144 rubles 70 kopecks from 2020),
  • service fee

If the train travels to the CIS countries, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia and the departure station is not in the Russian Federation, then payment for re-registration will be made in the national currency of the state in which the station is located. To request a refund, you must contact the Russian Railways refund office in Russia. You must have a return form and identification document with you.

When exchanging, the money will be returned to your bank card within up to 30 days.

  • It is better to change your ticket in advance - seats on the plane may be taken away. In addition, the amount of additional payment depends on how many places are left.
  • When exchanging a ticket, in addition to the airline fee, a service fee is charged. Its size can be viewed in your personal account when calculating, specified in the offer or from the contact center operator.
  • Most often, the amount of the airline's fee depends on the departure date: the closer it is, the higher the fee. As a rule, the largest fee occurs if there are less than 24 hours left before departure.
  • You will need to pay for the exchange within 2 hours by credit card online. After payment, we will issue an exchange of your ticket and send a new itinerary receipt by email. You can also download it in your personal account.

When returning a purchased ticket, you may encounter a complete refusal. In this case, the law will come to the rescue. But it often happens that entertainment establishments have internal regulations that provide for:

  • gradation of the final refund amount depending on the permissible period of circulation;
  • cases of non-refund.

Know! The legislation does not limit the time of viewing for the viewer. But when the concert has already begun, the service is considered provided and you will not be able to get your money back.

The ticket should be returned to the box office where it was purchased. You must write an application and submit the necessary documentation.

When returning a ticket, the buyer has the right to be guided by the following regulations:

  1. Article 32 of the Federal Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” establishes the prerogative to refuse to provide a service at any time. An important condition here is the obligation to reimburse expenses incurred by the contractor.
  2. Art. 782 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation regulates the first paragraph of preference.
  3. Part 2. Art. 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation established the duty of the contractor or seller to provide the buyer with documents proving the fact and amount of finance spent under a mutual agreement.

Please note! Federal legislation fully supports the client, and no internal guidelines or routines of the organization contradict the decision.

To return the money spent on purchasing a concert entry form, you must submit the following documents:

  • purchased ticket;
  • cash receipt or receipt confirming the fact of payment and the amount;
  • identification;
  • statement.

Remember! The request must be forwarded to an authorized person, manager or administrator. The cashier does not have the authority to make a refund. The document is officially registered, indicating the exact time and date of receipt of the application.

When collecting funds, you must submit an application in free form, or the institution will issue a specially prepared form. The application should include the following information:

  • passport details;
  • the reason that prevented you from attending the event;
  • date and method of purchasing the ticket;
  • amount of money paid (payment document attached);
  • a link to legal norms that prove the consumer is right.

Advice! A person has the right not to indicate the reason for refusing to attend a performance.

The application is written in two copies, a mark is placed on both documents, since the money may not be returned immediately, but after a certain period or not at all. In such a situation, it is necessary to restore the violated interests in other instances.

Legal grounds for not returning the amount are:

  1. Contacting a person to submit a ticket when the concert has already begun.
  2. Handing over the purchased ticket not to the buyer, but to strangers. This is how scammers work. They buy cheap tickets from consumers and reimburse their costs in full.

However, entertainment establishments are not always ready to part with profits and therefore come up with various ways not to issue or reduce the refundable payment. Among them are:

  • limiting the period for claiming money received. If you apply 10 days before the concert, the amount will be refunded 100%. Five days before the event – ​​50% of the initial fee;
  • an offer agreement that provides for conditions of non-return. In any case, the court, Rospotrebnadzor, the prosecutor's office, supervisory and human rights authorities will take the side of the consumer.

How to return tickets for a concert at the Olympic Stadium?

To return tickets to a concert at the Olimpiysky, you must contact the administrator of the sports complex and draw up a request to cancel the service in his name. You can also send an application to an email address or contact the call center using the hotline number +7-495-786-33-33.

For your information

Separately, it is worth noting that the official website of the Olympic Sports Complex states that compensation of funds is made based on the conditions established by the event organizers. In fact, when applying for a refund, there is a high probability of hearing a common phrase that the money can only be returned if the event is cancelled. In this case, an individual must rely on the regulatory legal acts of Russian Legislation.

How to return or exchange an air ticket and not lose money on it

If you want to change the date and time of your flight, departure/arrival city or class of service, the carrier will issue you a new ticket. Whether it is possible to change an air ticket for another and whether money will be charged for the service depends on the fare rules established by the airline.

1) Change your ticket as early as possible.

Closer to the point, seats on the plane for the desired date may be sold out or only expensive air tickets will be left. Interchange fees may also increase. 2-4 hours before departure, many airlines generally close the opportunity to make changes to the ticket.

Please check the booking conditions before purchasing your flight ticket.

  1. Find cheap flights on Skyscanner.
  2. Go to the airline or travel agency website.
  3. Study the “Rate Conditions” or “Booking Rules”.

Aeroflot ticket return and exchange rules. Economy class "Budget" and "Promo" fares are completely non-refundable. A ticket at the Optimum fare can be returned with a fine.

If you purchased your ticket through a travel agency or other intermediary, please contact them before checking in for your flight. It is their responsibility to explain to you what to do to get your money back for a non-refundable ticket. Ticket agency fees are generally non-refundable.

To receive a refund of fares or fees for an air ticket purchased directly from the airline, please contact the carrier prior to check-in. Involuntary ticket refunds are made only on the basis of documents confirming the reason for canceling the flight.


1. Check the conditions under which you booked your ticket. The rules must clearly state that YR, YQ taxes, airport taxes and other additional fees are refundable.

2. Notify the airline that you are voluntarily canceling the flight before checking in for the flight - in writing, by phone or in person.

3. If you missed your flight due to your own fault, it is safer to contact an airline employee at the airport and get confirmation that you did not check in and are not on board.

Return of tickets for a concert at the Kremlin Palace

the service fee for purchasing a pass to a concert in the Kremlin Palace is non-refundable!

The procedure for returning personal funds spent on admission to the concert hall is carried out on the basis of the current norms of Russian Legislation. You must contact the cash desk of the State Kremlin Palace and write an application addressed to the administrator.

In case of disputes, you can contact directly the head of ticket sales by phone +7-967-127-95-45 or by email

For your information

According to numerous reviews, the administrator at the Kremlin Palace is very reluctant to refund money for concert tickets, citing an excerpt from the Government Decree. According to this excerpt, it is possible to return the money spent on an unused pass to the concert hall only if the event is canceled, which is a violation of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Rules for purchasing and returning tickets and subscriptions

I. Tchaikovsky, Concert Hall named after S. V. Rachmaninov “Philharmonic-2”, Great Hall of the Conservatory, on the official website of the Philharmonic, as well as from the official partners of the Philharmonic for selling tickets:, www., 2.2. Sample and description of a ticket and subscription purchased at the box office of the Moscow Philharmonic. The ticket or subscription is printed on a strict reporting form on heat-resistant cardboard measuring 15.3 cm by 7 cm.

Back side of a ticket or subscription: The front side of a ticket or subscription must contain the following information: · Date and time of the start of the event · Price of the ticket or subscription (cost of service) · Venue (Hall) · Row and location in the hall · Name of the event · Ticket number and series · Individual ticket barcode 2.3. Pre-order tickets for events can be made by calling (495) 232-04-00.

The order is valid for three days.

You can book and purchase on the website and at the box office no more than 6 (six) seats per event or per subscription. The Philharmonic reserves the right to refuse to place an order over the phone without giving reasons.

2.4. A ticket or subscription is purchased for each viewer, regardless of age. 2.5. Children over 3 years of age are allowed to attend concerts, accompanied by adults. If children break the silence and interfere with the concert, the Philharmonic reserves the right to ask the adults accompanying the children to remove the children from the hall.

How to return tickets for a concert at Crocus City Hall?

Crocus City Hall is another famous Moscow concert hall, the administrators of which are promoting the cancellation of the service and reimbursement to individuals of the cost of admission to the concert only in case of cancellation. If it is impossible to attend the event, it is necessary to draw up a competent (from the point of view of the legislation of the Russian Federation) application addressed to the administrator.

To speed up the process of returning tickets for a concert at Crocus City Hall, you can send an application via email to the following address. If necessary, it is recommended to use the hotline +7-499-550-00-55.

Electronic tickets: safety precautions

Many scanners are designed to read information from paper.

The phone screen may glare in the scanner beam - this prevents information from being recognized correctly. Is an electronic ticket personal? No. When purchasing a ticket on Yandex.Afisha, we ask the person for their name, email address and phone number. But this information is needed solely so that, if necessary, we can quickly contact the buyer.

For example, to inform that a concert has been postponed or canceled - this, unfortunately, sometimes happens. The name is on the ticket itself, but it is important to understand that it indicates the buyer, not the bearer.

If you take several tickets - for a company - your name will be on each of them. There's nothing wrong with that. The controller doesn’t care that the girl passes on a ticket with the inscription “Ivan Sidorov.”

Only the barcode matters. Can I return an electronic ticket? If plans change on the day of a concert, festival or performance, then, alas, most likely nothing will work out.

If you still have time left, in most cases you can get your money back.

If you purchased a ticket on Yandex.Afisha, simply fill out.

It is important to understand that the final decision on a refund is always made by the organizer. How to protect your ticket from theft? Attackers will be able to enter the hall using your ticket if they copy the barcode.

Therefore, before the start of the event, you should not show your ticket to strangers or people you barely know or publish photos of it on social networks.

You should also not leave printouts of tickets in a public place.

Actions in case of refusal

What to do if the organizer of a concert event refuses to return the money:

  1. You must file a complaint against this organization. Confirm it with the signatures of witnesses.
  2. The applicant with this document is sent to Rospotrebnadzor.
  3. Copies of the application are sent to the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights and the Ministry of Culture.

It is also necessary to write a corresponding review in the “Book of Complaints and Suggestions” of this organization.

Reasons for refusing a refund

Legal grounds for not returning the amount are:

  1. Contacting a person to submit a ticket when the concert has already begun.
  2. Handing over the purchased ticket not to the buyer, but to strangers. This is how scammers work. They buy cheap tickets from consumers and reimburse their costs in full.

However, entertainment establishments are not always ready to part with profits and therefore come up with various ways not to issue or reduce the refundable payment. Among them are:

  • limiting the period for claiming money received. If you apply 10 days before the concert, the amount will be refunded 100%. Five days before the event – ​​50% of the initial fee;
  • an offer agreement that provides for conditions of non-return. In any case, the court, Rospotrebnadzor, the prosecutor's office, supervisory and human rights authorities will take the side of the consumer.

What to do in case of refusal?

Despite the positive position of the legislator towards the buyer, the organizers of the performance try to avoid paying money when returning the ticket. What to do in such a situation and where to turn. The following steps need to be taken:

  1. Write a request for a refund and get the application registered and a signature on the document.
  2. If the previous option is refused, file a claim with the signatures of witnesses. The latter should be invited in advance (it is best to come with your friends). Send the complaint to the ZPP Society, Rospotrebnadzor, court and other authorities.
  3. Having accepted the application, they may offer to return only part of the funds. A common argument made by administrators is the costs incurred. It is necessary to require documentary evidence of expenses.
  4. A lawsuit is the last way to achieve justice. In addition to the cost of the ticket, you can expect compensation for moral damages. Organizers may pay a fine and state fees.

With a persistent desire to prove that he is right and achieve justice, the viewer will be guaranteed to receive his money.

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