The battery on the phone is swollen, there is a guarantee that they will be able to replace it.

What not to do

After the battery is swollen, it is worth disconnecting it from the device in order to neutralize it and protect yourself. The swollen element often damages the back cover or screen of the phone. Gas vapors released increase the likelihood of fire or explosion. To avoid problems with the battery, you need to know exactly what not to do when using a mobile device. To do this, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • Do not completely discharge the battery;
  • Do not overheat or overcool the mobile device;
  • Do not allow moisture to get inside the gadget;
  • Use the original charger;
  • Do not drop your smartphone;
  • Do not leave a mobile phone in a discharged state or spontaneously switched off for a long time.

How to extend service life

To ensure that the key element of your phone works longer and better, follow the tips below:

  1. Turn off unused applications immediately to save energy costs.
  2. Discharge and charge the power source according to the battery type and manufacturer's recommendations. For some models, a complete discharge is preferable, while for others it is necessary to avoid completely bringing the battery discharge to 0%.
  3. Try to protect your phone from falls or damage. Do not carry the device in trouser pockets and always place it in a case.
  4. Use original chargers and batteries created by the manufacturer specifically for a specific phone model.
  5. Check the condition of the battery once every 3 months.

By following these tips, you can increase the battery life, thereby preventing unexpected costs of effort, time and money.

What to pay attention to

The main signs that the battery is starting to swell are:

  • Need for frequent recharging;
  • The fit of the back cover to the body becomes less tight;
  • The smartphone may turn on and off spontaneously;
  • The device discharges quickly.

Repair procedure

Many people are interested in knowing how to fix the battery if it suddenly swells in their phone, because they don’t want to spend money on buying a new battery.

In fact, repairs, especially DIY ones, are an extremely risky undertaking that can lead to serious and dangerous consequences.

ATTENTION. Repairing swollen batteries is not recommended. They should be discarded and replaced.

But some masters still do it. The essence of the repair is to pierce the swollen film. In theory, this allows the removal of accumulated gases.

To the question of whether it is even possible to pierce a swollen battery installed in a phone, the answer is ambiguous. It is believed that it can be pierced. Moreover, there is even a special point on the body where the puncture should be made. This allows the gas to escape from the housing. The resulting hole is filled with sealant.

Even though a swollen phone battery can potentially be punctured, and the manufacturer shows you where to do this, the procedure is still potentially very dangerous. The gas inside the housing is poisonous. If it gets on the skin or in the respiratory tract, you can be seriously poisoned, get a chemical burn, and face the need for expensive treatment. That is, independent repairs can potentially result in significant consequences. Both for health and for the user’s wallet.

We have decided whether it is possible to pierce a used but swollen battery on a phone. In theory, this can be done. In practice, it’s not worth it unless you have the necessary experience and basic means of protection against the released gas.

For some reason, many are sure that it is enough to release the gas, patch the hole with sealant, and the battery will work again. In fact, the likelihood of the battery returning to service is negligible. Even if it does function, it will not last long. And it is possible that the first time you connect the charger, the case will not explode or catch fire.

The puncture points provided by battery manufacturers are designed to release gas, protecting the product by minimizing the likelihood of case rupture and fire. But only for the purpose of recycling the device. There is no talk of any restoration of performance.

ADVICE. We can safely conclude that repairing swollen batteries is a very bad idea. It should be categorically rejected.

The best solution would be to replace the battery.

The main reasons for battery swelling

Energy generation in the battery occurs due to certain chemical reactions. When they begin to proceed incorrectly, with obvious or hidden violations, the battery swells. Before the phone battery swells, gases formed between the positive and negative electrodes will begin to accumulate in the battery case. Why do such reactions occur? The reason may be a number of factors:

  • Manufacturing defect;
  • Liquids getting into the device;
  • Falls or impacts;
  • Temperature violation;
  • Incorrect charging of the gadget;
  • Prolonged use of a smartphone that is discharged;
  • Using a non-original memory;
  • Improper storage;
  • The service life exceeds more than 2 years.

Factory defect of the device

When the battery swells in the first days of using a new smartphone, this is not always due to a malfunction of the mobile device. The cause of a swollen battery may be a manufacturing defect. To monitor charge accumulation on the battery there is a special sensor. Some batteries simply do not have it. If there is such a manufacturing defect, it is worth replacing the battery under warranty.

Phone falling

Shocks and falls are very dangerous for a mobile device. Even if the gadget’s display is not damaged, the smartphone’s battery swells, what should you do in this case? The battery should be replaced with a new one. Preference is given to original spare parts, but a Chinese equivalent can also be a temporary measure.

Long-term use of the gadget

With prolonged use of the battery, the battery on the phone may inflate. The optimal period for battery operation is 3-5 years. Exceeding this period, the battery may fail or the battery may swell. Continuing to use a swollen battery can endanger not only the mobile device, but also the person. Sometimes the battery can simply explode.

Incorrect charging of the device

Each type of battery has its own type of charging. Compliance with the operating rules will help ensure long-lasting and correct operation of the battery in your phone. Violation of the rules specified by the manufacturer, the use of a low-quality charger, or non-compliance with the charging regime leads to rapid failure of the battery or swelling.

Contact with moisture and other substances

After contact with coffee, tea, drinks or water, the phone often refuses to work correctly. For microcircuits, the battery and the smartphone itself, contact with any liquids is undesirable. The battery case is sealed, but malfunctions occur when the contacts become wet. Even waterproof models can suffer from contact with water. The contents of the battery undergo an active reaction, accompanied by the release of gas. When a battery becomes swollen as a result of careless actions, it must be urgently replaced with a new one.

Using a smartphone in different temperature conditions

A sharp change in temperature conditions becomes a strong shock for the battery. The battery charge begins to be consumed much faster, and the gadget itself overheats. To extend the life of your smartphone battery, running applications should be closed and the device allowed to cool down. Direct sunlight also has a negative effect on the battery.

Why does the battery swell?

Frankly speaking, today every manufacturer is trying to save on components in order to increase its market share. This statement can be considered equally true for Samsung Galaxy and prestigious iPhones. The consequence of this reduction in the cost of components is a swollen battery, which unpleasantly affects the smartphone owner. Let's try to understand the reasons for the phenomenon; it is quite possible that the following information will be useful to you:

  • Let's start with a situation from which no one is immune, this is a factory defect. But fortunately for consumers, this phenomenon with a lithium-ion power supply usually manifests itself in the first two to three months of operation. Therefore, you have every chance to replace the item under warranty.
  • You risk being left without a mobile phone if you use non-original charging components. It’s strange, but most users treat this warning with obvious disdain, but in vain. Even a single recharge with a low-quality component can lead to disastrous consequences, to further loss of capacity, and to deformation of the plate. Remember that too deep, long-term discharge also negatively affects the power source. We are talking about situations when the gadget is not used for a month or two.
  • Frequent falls also eventually lead to battery failure. Try to use expensive electronics carefully. Dangerous consequences can await the user as a result of “bathing” the communication device.
  • Situations were noted in which the energy source lost its shape after sudden temperature changes. Try to avoid talking on the phone during rapid, significant changes in temperature. In other words, you don’t need to immediately use your smartphone immediately after leaving a warm room in 30-degree frost.

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If your phone battery is swollen, can it explode?

You can try to restore a swollen battery in 2 ways. This procedure must be carried out very carefully, because the power source sometimes ignites. You can fix a swollen battery by releasing the gases from it. To do this, a foil window is pierced under the board with the main elements. In the iron case, the window replaces the ball. After getting rid of gases, the hole is carefully soldered or sealed with sealant.

The aluminum body requires a lot of force. It is pierced with a needle at a certain angle. If you make mistakes in performing such work, you can damage the plates from which the battery is made. This will cause a fire. To protect yourself and avoid sad consequences, it is better to purchase a new battery.

Can I use a smartphone?

According to most users, it is quite acceptable to use the phone with a swollen battery; the only inconvenience in this case will be that it will begin to discharge very quickly and actively.

In fact, in addition to the fact that a swollen battery itself can cause a fire or a small explosion, using a means of communication that can turn off at any moment is a very reckless and unwise decision.

It is also worth noting that the recycling of lithium-ion batteries installed in modern mobile devices is carried out in a special way. For this reason, throwing batteries in the trash is strictly prohibited. This is due to the fact that they continue to pose a danger to the environment due to the possibility of releasing harmful chemical compounds. Therefore, if a battery fails, it must be taken to a special organization that deals with the disposal of such waste equipment.

How often does this happen

Provided that there is no manufacturing defect and the device is operated as usual, there is no need to worry about possible swelling.

Before the user reaches the average 500 charge-discharge cycles, there is almost no chance of encountering a case rupture due to escaping gases.

This is quite a rare occurrence. But it is potentially very dangerous, which is why attention is so often focused on it. The percentage of swollen batteries is minimal.

But to protect yourself, strictly follow the charging rules, and also buy phones from trusted leading manufacturers.

There is always a risk. Regardless of device. But it's minimal. Therefore, you definitely shouldn’t give up your smartphone for fear of the battery exploding.

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