Does protein have an expiration date and how long can it be stored unopened?

Protein is protein. Yes, the same protein that we need to maintain health and for muscle growth. Many athletes and people who want to stay in shape drink protein shakes.

protein expiration date

But it happens that you find a forgotten product. The protein seems to have expired, but it looks and smells quite acceptable for consumption. In this article, we will tell you about the shelf life of protein powders and how you can extend it.

Storage rules

How and where to store protein determines its shelf life. The shelf life of this additive can be extended if the following conditions are met:

  • storage temperature 20°C - 25°C. Some manufacturers indicate limit values ​​of 5°C - 30°C;
  • the storage place should be dry and dark;
  • the lid of the container should always be tightly closed so that the powder does not become damp or become saturated with foreign odors;
  • Excessive heating of the dietary supplement should be avoided.

If these conditions are not followed, the protein will not be stored for very long after opening. Bacteria will begin to actively multiply in it, which can negate the effectiveness of this product and even cause poisoning.

After opening, the container with the drug should be kept in the refrigerator at all times.

The shelf life of the protein after opening the package and contact of the powder with air is significantly reduced and is two to three weeks for protein made in Europe, and a month for American. Long-term storage of an open package reduces the effectiveness of the product and leads to loss of beneficial qualities. There is no point in taking such a drug.

Avoid direct sunlight on the packaging and do not store it in close proximity to heat sources - radiators or stoves. When moisture gets into the mixtures, harmful bacteria begin to multiply and they quickly deteriorate. Taking such a product can definitely lead to poisoning.

Whey protein comes in ampoules and bottles. Ampoules are much more practical for use - they are dosed at a time, and there is no question of storing them. You can store liquid protein in bottles after opening for no more than two weeks in a cool place, avoiding direct sunlight.

Please note that the effectiveness of the additive largely depends on where it is stored.

To preserve its quality, the protein should be kept in a dark and dry place. Direct exposure to the sun or high temperature can significantly shorten the shelf life. In such a situation, taking an expired supplement is no longer recommended.

  • The diluted cocktail should be drunk immediately. The longer it sits, the more useful properties it will lose.
  • In a sealed container, protein powder can be stored for two to three years without any harm.
  • As soon as you open the package with the mixture, you should immediately place it in the refrigerator. This way you will prolong his life.
  • The optimal temperature for storing an open package of protein is from 5 to 19 degrees.

Shelf life of the cocktail

Now it is worth considering another question. The shelf life of protein in an open or poorly closed jar is one thing.

How long does a ready-made protein drink retain its properties?

If you are going to prepare the cocktail in advance, then at most this can be done in two or three hours, no more. Otherwise, for example, after five or six hours, the cocktail will definitely disappear. In a matter of hours, all useful components, including protein, are destroyed. Eating spoiled protein doesn't make much sense. Moreover, its taste changes dramatically.

Further, if the storage period has expired, the person takes the product at his own peril and risk. A mandatory certification condition provides for a maximum shelf life of 3 years for an unopened product, and up to a month for an opened product. Whether it can be used further depends on the condition of the protein powder.

Expired powder is used when the period of 1-6 months has expired and there is no change in the physical properties of the sports nutrition. But the manufacturer is not responsible for the consequences. A year from the end date, the protein will be expired and unsafe for the athlete. You need to look at each package for how long to store the composition. If you take an expired drug, the consequences of such a choice can affect more than one day.

You should not expect a fatal outcome from consuming expired sports nutrition. Symptoms are limited to signs of gastrointestinal dysfunction, that is, flatulence, diarrhea, belching.

Shelf life of this sports supplement. Does it change after opening? How long does a diluted cocktail last? The benefits of protein are beyond doubt. This is a natural supplement that can move an athlete’s results off the “dead point” and finally get the desired relief. Additional strength, rapid recovery, effective assistance in weight loss, suppression of catabolic processes, muscle growth - these are just some of the beneficial effects of the almighty protein.

Shelf life: is it available and how long is it?

The packaging always contains the date of manufacture and the maximum possible shelf life of the product. The manufacturer must indicate the acceptable time for selling the product in its original packaging and the period after opening the package.

In the Russian Federation there is no GOST for protein, so the manufacturer himself determines the time frame for the freshness of his products.

As a rule, protein powder can be stored in a sealed sealed container for 6 months to 3 years. European manufacturers indicate a period of up to 2 years, and sports nutrition made in the USA is stored for no more than 3 years (for example, one of the most famous brands, Whey Gold Standard, also guarantees 2 years of protein freshness).

The shelf life of protein in liquid form is much shorter! Sometimes it's just a few hours.

How quickly do vitamins expire?

Please note: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not review or approve dietary supplements to determine whether they are safe or effective, according to the Consumer Healthcare Products Association. “The FDA does not require supplement labels to include an expiration date, but companies can choose to display a “best by” or “use by” date on a supplement label to indicate how long the supplement is expected to last unopened before being sold. efficiency will decrease

below 100 percent of the stated amount,” says Todd Cooperman, M.D., founder of, a company that independently verifies the quality of health and nutrition products. “However, companies that include these dates are required to have stability data to support their claims.”

“The FDA does not require supplement labels to include an expiration date, but companies can choose to display a “best by” or “use by” date on a supplement label to indicate how long the supplement is expected to last unopened before being sold. efficiency will decrease. below 100 percent of the stated amount,” says Todd Cooperman, M.D., founder of, a company that independently verifies the quality of health and nutrition products. “However, companies that include these dates are required to have stability data to support their claims.”

pullquote align='left' "Properly stored vitamins are likely to last past the expiration date for up to two years." /pullquote

Don't worry too much, your supplements will probably last longer than they think. "Properly stored vitamins are likely to be safe beyond their expiration date for up to two years," says Shanna Levine, MD, clinical instructor of medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. Proper storage means keeping your vitamins out of sunlight, away from very high temperatures, and protected from moisture, she says, which means your medicine cabinet isn't exactly perfect.

Certain types of vitamins and supplements may expire faster than others, too. “Water-soluble vitamins like B12 and vitamin C are more likely to lose their potency quickly,” says Levine. This is compared to fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E and K.

"Probiotics, while not 'vitamins,' may require refrigeration since they contain live bacteria," she adds. "They have a shelf life of about a year, as do liquids and oils, which tend to expire faster than tablets or capsules."

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Safety and efficacy assessment

All food products deteriorate over time and become potentially unsafe for consumption. Here, speaking about food products, we mean not only the traditional definition of food and drinks, but also the entire range of subclasses, including dietary supplements, baby food and medicines, which contain certain microbiological organisms - and certain types of bacteria are contained in all products.

But bacteria are different. For example, probiotic supplements are a popular source of “good” bacteria. But E. coli, staphylococcus, salmonella and listeria are just the most well-known microbiological organisms, the entry of which into the body with food (powders, liquids, tablets, etc.) should definitely be avoided.

Depending on the individual physical properties of certain products and the conditions of their storage, over time the quantitative content of yeast, mold, E. coli and other micro- and mycotoxins increases, which makes the products unsafe for consumption. In addition to direct harm to health, some products tend to lose effectiveness over time and not give the expected result (primarily this applies to medications and dietary supplements).

Let's take a closer look at the dynamics of the effectiveness of some specific products:

Protein bars: Protein bars, especially the high-liquid variety in any form, should definitely be consumed before the expiration date or within a couple of days of purchase.

Vitamins: this is the case when the main concern is a decrease in effectiveness. Vitamin C, for example, is an antioxidant. Let's say a manufacturer has developed and released a supplement that actually contains 100% vitamin C in the amount that corresponds to the label. However, numerous scientific studies indicate that the actual dose of vitamin C present in a supplement immediately after production is significantly higher than the amount of active vitamin C after 12, 24, 36 months of storage. This conclusion is true for all vitamins and most dietary supplements of plant origin.

Fish oil: For most fatty acids, oxidation is particularly problematic. That's why many fish oil supplements include vitamin E and other natural antioxidants and formulas, such as rosemary extract, to extend the shelf life of the main active ingredient—essential fatty acids. It is not recommended to take fish oil after the expiration date.

Minerals: Mineral supplements like zinc or magnesium will last your entire life! The effectiveness of natural mineral-based supplements remains virtually unchanged over time. However, remember: the more by-products a mineral supplement contains, the higher the risk of reducing its effectiveness.

Is it possible to drink protein after the expiration date?

It is generally accepted that consuming expired protein is safe for health if the expiration date does not exceed 12 months. There will be no effect from such a dietary supplement, but many consumers of this product are attracted by the low cost of substandard products.

Consuming a product that is known to be of low quality is possible solely at your own peril and risk. The consequences of such nutrition can be the most unpredictable.

In the absence of visible changes, storage of expired protein and its consumption is possible within 1 to 6 months after the expiration date. After a year, the drug can cause serious harm to the body, although death is unlikely.

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Natural protein formulations cannot be stored for as long as synthetic preparations with similar effects. After opening, it is advisable to store the protein for no longer than 2–3 weeks, so it makes no sense to purchase it in large containers.

Should I take protein if it has expired?

Sometimes sellers on the Internet offer to buy cheaper protein that has already expired. Everyone decides for themselves whether it is worth making such a purchase. In fact, expired protein is the same as expired milk protein. No one has ever died from taking such a cocktail. However, in most cases, expired protein causes stomach upset.

To avoid problems with an expired product, you should follow the instructions given by the manufacturer on the protein packaging. Following all the conditions will protect you from etching.

Storage Features

Finding out whether you can consume expired protein is only half the problem, because it is equally important to find out the storage rules. First you need to choose a dry and dark place

There should be no moisture in it, as this can cause bacteria to begin to multiply in the protein. If liquid in the powder is detected in a timely manner, it is necessary to immediately place it in a dry place so that it evaporates on its own. In this case, you can save the protein and take it without fear.

Before and after autopsy

The expiration date of the supplement, regardless of its type, is indicated on the packaging. Do not think that all products of the same type have the same shelf life. The powdery structure lasts longer than the liquid one.

Shelf life of powdered products in hermetically sealed containers:

  • products from American manufacturers – 2–3 years;
  • products from European manufacturers – 1 – 2 years.

For liquid products, regardless of the country of origin, the shelf life in hermetically sealed containers is limited to one month.

The shelf life of the protein after opening is reduced. Information about the shelf life of the product before opening is marked on the product. But information about the duration of storage after opening is not always available.

Shelf life of powdered products after opening the container:

  • products from American manufacturers – 1 month;
  • products from European manufacturers – 2 weeks.

It is advisable to take liquid protein after opening for 2 weeks. Purchasing ampoules simplifies this process. The ampoule is designed for a single dose; you should not count the days after opening; the risk of side effects is also minimized.

In the future, the positive properties are gradually lost. Some manufacturers indicate that the positive dynamics disappear after 6 months. Failure to comply with storage recommendations will reduce this time period.

Protein made from high-quality raw materials, such as wheygold standard, extends its functionality up to 12 months, but only if it is not counterfeit and the storage requirements have been perfectly met.

What is the shelf life of protein?

The shelf life of sealed, printed protein and protein shakes varies greatly. To protect yourself, you need to strictly adhere to the storage time of each type.


According to European standards, the shelf life of protein supplements in dry form is two years. It also depends on the manufacturer, so be sure to look at the packaging to see how long your particular protein mixture can be stored.

After opening

Once unpacked, it is recommended that protein supplements be stored for no more than two to three weeks. After this period, open protein should not be consumed.

Diluted cocktail

A protein shake (protein dissolved in water) only lasts for about four hours. When storing the mixture in the refrigerator, the period increases by only an hour. Because of this, athletes are advised to prepare a cocktail immediately before exercising and drink it immediately.

Is it possible to take expired sports nutrition?

Oddly enough, many people are interested in the answer to the question of whether it is possible to take expired sports nutrition . Interest in this issue is strongest among two categories of people. People from the first category buy sports nutrition, start taking it, after which they stop playing sports for a while and then, when resuming sports, they are faced with the fact that they have a variety of sports nutrition that has expired . It’s a shame to throw away this sports nutrition, of course, which is why the question arises as to whether it’s possible to take sports nutrition that has expired . People in the second category deliberately buy expired sports nutrition , which many sports nutrition stores sell at a significant discount (sometimes the discount reaches 90 percent of the regular price).

In this article we will try to figure out whether it is possible to take expired sports nutrition , whether expired sports nutrition will be effective and whether expired sports nutrition will harm the body.

Pay attention to the color, smell and taste of expired sports nutrition

Pay attention to the color, smell and taste of expired sports nutrition

All food products, dietary supplements and sports nutrition products are labeled with expiration dates. The indication of the expiration date is a requirement established by the relevant laws in force in all civilized countries. Shelf life is an estimate of how long a sports nutrition product is safe, potable, and effective. In fact, the shelf life is the period during which the manufacturer guarantees the safety and effectiveness of sports nutrition. It follows that the expiration date itself does not mean that sports nutrition has become hazardous to health or ineffective. Therefore, as a rule, expired sports nutrition can be taken - it will be as effective and safe as before the expiration date. However, a lot depends on what specific sports nutrition we are talking about and how this sports nutrition was stored.

We divided sports nutrition into four groups. The first group is sports nutrition in powder, tablet and capsule forms. Sports nutrition from the first group can be taken after the expiration date if it was stored in a dry, dark place, at a temperature of up to 25 degrees and no moisture got inside the container (jar or bag). If these storage rules are followed, then such sports nutrition can be taken even one to two years after the expiration date, especially if we are talking about unopened products, that is, products in original, undamaged packaging. The second group is sports nutrition in capsules that contain liquid. An example of such sports nutrition is any omega-3 or amino acid Superior Amino 2222 Softgels from Optimum Nutrition. Such sports nutrition can be taken after the expiration date only if it has been stored in the refrigerator. However, it can be used up to six months after the expiration date. The third group is vitamins, minerals and vitamin-mineral complexes in tablet or capsule form. Vitamins and minerals are quite stable and can be used for a long time after the expiration date if the storage rules described for the first group are followed. The fourth group is sports nutrition in liquid form (amino acids, carnitine, pre-workout complexes). Such sports nutrition should not be taken after the expiration date. If the expiration date expired one or two weeks ago, then such sports nutrition can be taken, but with caution. If the expiration date expired more than a month ago, then such sports nutrition should not be taken.

Expired fish oil can be taken if it has been stored in the refrigerator

Expired fish oil can be taken if it has been stored in the refrigerator

Answers to the question about using expired sports nutrition

Is it possible to take expired protein? If the protein was stored in a dry, dark, cool place and no moisture entered the container, then such protein can be taken for 12-18 months after the expiration date.

Is it possible to take expired gainer? If the gainer was stored in a dry, dark, cool place and no moisture entered the container, then such a gainer can be taken for 12-18 months after the expiration date.

Is it possible to take expired amino acids (BCAAs, glutamine, arginine)? Amino acids in powder, tablet and capsule (except liquid capsules) forms can be taken for 12-18 months after the expiration date if storage rules are followed.

Is it possible to take expired creatine? Creatine in powder, tablet and capsule (except liquid capsules) forms can be taken for 12-18 months after the expiration date if storage rules are followed.

The same rules apply to other categories of expired sports nutrition (carnitine, fat burners, testosterone boosters).

In what cases should you not take expired sports nutrition?

If you find mold in a package of protein, a jar of amino acids, or any other container with any other sports nutrition, then such sports nutrition should not be taken and should be thrown away. The appearance of mold indicates that moisture has entered the container, which subsequently leads to the appearance of mold. Sports nutrition with mold is strictly prohibited.

A significant change in the color or odor of the product also indicates that it should not be taken. Sports nutrition with flavoring additives (proteins, gainers, powdered amino acids, powdered creatine) should not be taken if it begins to change the taste - this indicates the beginning of chemical reactions associated with flavorings or sweeteners.

Bottom line

You can take expired sports nutrition and it is just as safe and effective as sports nutrition that has not expired. However, this applies only to powder, tablet and encapsulated products that were stored in compliance with all rules. Expired sports nutrition in liquid form should not be taken .

Of course, we recommend being disciplined and not reaching the expiration date of sports nutrition. If purchasing expired sports nutrition is your conscious choice, then you can continue to take such sports nutrition, but do not forget to ask the sellers about the storage conditions for sports nutrition.

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How to check the authenticity of a protein?

Today, sports nutrition is gaining popularity, which is why many fakes are appearing. Recently, cases have become more frequent when a purchased protein drug turns out to be counterfeit. Fortunately, it doesn't cause any harm to your health, but it does hurt your wallet and doesn't live up to your expectations.

It is quite difficult to distinguish real protein from ordinary flour, and chemical analysis of the powder in a special laboratory will cost you a considerable amount. This is usually what scammers count on

What should you pay special attention to and how to check the purchased protein?

The analysis of the protein complex should begin at the store window, with a detailed study of the appearance of the packaging. The pack must be sealed tightly. Plastic packages are wrapped using a special wide film. There should be no breaks in the film or label

Particular attention should be paid to the expiration date indicated on the drug. We advise you not to purchase sports nutrition if the expiration date is approaching, since storage conditions in the store may differ significantly from those recommended

Proteins and carbohydrates are substances that dissolve in water and have different properties, they all manifest themselves differently in water. Once in a hot liquid, the proteins coagulate into lumps. Knowing about these properties, you can independently check the protein’s naturalness at home.

  • Tip 1: after purchasing, place a small amount of protein in warm water. Real protein must coagulate.
  • 2nd tip: dilute twenty grams of protein powder with one hundred milligrams of water: you should get a mixture similar to cottage cheese. Protein has the property of swelling in water, but flour does not give such thickness.

Types of additives{amp}amp;amp;controls=0{amp}amp;amp;showinfo=0

Manufacturers offer the following types of protein sports supplements:

  • Milk proteins. Essentially, it is milk powder, free of fat and with added vitamins. The most popular dairy protein is whey protein. It is easily digestible and contains a minimal amount of lactose.
  • Egg whites. This type is inferior to dairy products in demand, although it has an advantage in the speed of absorption. However, it has a specific taste. The inherent bitterness of egg whites is not to everyone's taste.
  • Protein based on soy protein. Vegetarians choose it. Also, due to its zero fat content, it is recommended during the so-called drying period.

Supplements differ in both the time of absorption and the time of application.

Drinking a protein shake made from diluted powder is both cheaper and easier than eating a large piece of meat.

It has been established that protein is a building material for muscles

It plays an important role in muscle growth and recovery. So, if you want to make your body strong and pumped up, you should definitely add protein to your diet, which is a source of amino acids and a stimulator of protein synthesis

There are several reasons why you should buy this drug when you start working out in the gym.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the lack of proteins that come with regular food. To make up for this deficiency, the athlete must consume kilograms of food, thereby overloading the stomach and other organs, or take protein as a dietary supplement

Agree, the latter option is much more convenient, practical and effective.

When choosing a protein drug, you need to focus on its type. Depending on their origin, proteins are divided into the following types:

  • whey, characterized by the greatest biological value. In addition, this type of protein is well digestible and contains a minimal amount of lactose;
  • casein preparations, characterized by a reduced rate of absorption. Thanks to their high concentration of glutamine and amino acids, they prevent the destruction of muscle tissue;
  • soy, is an excellent alternative solution for overweight people;
  • egg, has an average absorption rate, does not contain lactose.

What's in Protein Powder?

Proteins are proteins that are made up of amino acids. It is the main component of animal and plant cells.

Simple proteins are recommended to be taken as a sports protein supplement during intense sports, such as bodybuilding and powerlifting. This is necessary to:

  • reduce body fat;
  • build muscle;
  • increase endurance;
  • improve digestive and metabolic processes;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • maintain healthy physical shape.

Important! Protein powder cannot completely replace proteins. It can only be eaten as an addition to the main menu, which should be composed rationally from ordinary products.

Depending on what the protein is made of, there are several types. The three most common are:

  • whey;
  • casein;
  • soy.

In addition to the simple proteins themselves, which the powder contains from 60 to 90%, the protein powder also includes a number of micro- and macroelements (for example, calcium, iron) and vitamins, and they, in turn:

  • promote better protein absorption;
  • participate in cell restoration and renewal;
  • have an antioxidant effect;
  • strengthen bone tissue;
  • contribute to the normalization of the nervous system.

It will be useful for novice athletes to learn how to drink protein correctly.

Since pure protein is tasteless, substances are added to the powder that give it sweetness and a pleasant taste. Different manufacturers add different ingredients to protein powder. When choosing it, you should give preference to a product from a well-known brand with a good reputation. In order to consume the powder, it must be mixed with liquid and drunk. To achieve your goal, you need to drink it according to a plan, at a certain time of day and during certain periods of physical activity.

This is interesting: Choosing milk for your baby!

Did you know? The world's first dietary supplement was released by Nutrilite in 1934. It consisted of plant components: alfalfa, watercress, parsley and yeast. The developer of the first dietary supplement was the American chemist Carl Rehnborg.

How long does protein last after opening?

The length of time within which it is recommended to consume the protein mixture depends on environmental factors (packaging tightness, temperature) and the country of origin. If we talk about the most popular types of proteins, then it is worth mentioning whey protein (denoted as Whey protein). Also no less popular are Soy and Milk, respectively soy and milk types of protein.

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Whey Gold Standard protein takes a leading position among sports nutrition products due to its positive effect on the body.

The last option is optimal, but it is best to take with you on the road a bottle of water at the required temperature (or even a higher temperature) in the same thermos bag and some dry formula and prepare it immediately before feeding.

The expiration date (indicated by the letters EXP) and quality standards of Wei Gold Standard are indicated on the packaging (can).

The country of origin also affects the quality of the product. Thus, American brands are considered the best among competitors in terms of “endurance”. Products of this kind are stored for up to 3 years, and European ones - up to 2. The criterion depends on the degree of industrial purification, preservatives, and production method.

For cooking, the liquid is completely removed from dairy products, but even in this case, the protein has an expiration date.

Due to the sharp reduction in the shelf life of the protein, it is recommended to open the jar when a course of drying or relief creation is planned and constant auxiliary means are required.

When the powder has already changed its consistency and an off-flavor has appeared, the protein mixture has lost its original benefit.

The liquid used to dilute the additive is of great importance. If you use milk or juice to prepare a cocktail, the safe consumption time is reduced to 1-2 hours.

Based on the fact that each sports nutrition product has a different form of manufacture, consistency and shelf life, therefore, each product will have different requirements for its storage. Storage temperature standards are usually written on sports nutrition cans, and this indicator is individual for each type of product. Opened protein has a short shelf life. The powder can be used within 2-3 weeks if it is made in Europe. Made in America, the supplement can be stored for about 4 weeks. Do not store dry product in places with high humidity or near heat sources. An important point is that opened packaging should be stored hermetically sealed, away from direct sunlight.

The manufacturer prefers to set the expiration date on its own product in the context of a guarantee, that is, a person will get the maximum benefit from the drug if the protein powder is stored according to the recommendations. Further, if the storage period has expired, the person takes the product at his own peril and risk.

To eliminate harmful effects on the human body, expiration dates and storage periods for proteins are established. Every person using protein nutritional supplements should know them, as well as storage requirements.

Also, manufacturers recommend storing the opened or closed product in a dry place, where direct sunlight is excluded and the temperature does not exceed room temperature.

But do not forget that protein is an ordinary product that has its own expiration date (the manufacturer indicates this parameter on the supplement label).

If the protein is purchased in liquid form, it can be stored for about a month. It is worth noting that the humidity in the room does not matter. Liquid mixtures are sold in bottles or ampoules. Remember that if storage conditions are incorrect, the sales time will be significantly reduced. Liquid protein mixtures are stored at room temperature; the degree of humidity does not play a special role. Protein whey is available in bottles or ampoules. The mixture in the bottle is opened immediately before use. Store unopened for no more than two weeks, preferably in the refrigerator or other cool, dark place.

Storage rules at home

When purchasing protein, it is important to check:

  • packaging integrity;
  • date of manufacture and expiration date;
  • storage conditions in the store.

Long-term storage can be ensured before opening the package.

Where and how to keep the package until opened?

The jar or pack of powder should be placed in a cool place where the temperature is in the range of 5-20 degrees. Humidity in the room should not exceed 60-65%.

Direct sunlight and close proximity to heating devices are absolutely contraindicated.

Under such conditions, the shelf life indicated on the packaging is ensured.

How long does protein remain usable in an open jar?

When the composition is used for the first time, the seal of the package is broken, and contact with open air sharply reduces shelf life. If the protein is in a jar, then it must be tightly closed with a lid. In this case, the opened product can be stored in a dark, dry, cool place at room temperature.

The shelf life is set by European manufacturers at 2-3 weeks, and American companies increase it to 30 days. When packaging the powder in a bag, its shelf life is reduced to 3-4 days. Storage in the refrigerator allows you to increase it somewhat.

How long does a diluted protein shake last in a shaker?

It is better to store the diluted, ready-to-use composition in a shaker. This is a special container in which the components are mixed and evenly distributed by shaking. Protein in liquid form should be used within 2-3 hours at room temperature.

In the refrigerator, the shelf life increases to 5-6 hours. The composition cannot be placed in the freezer, because When frozen, all the positive properties of the protein are lost. The finished liquid protein is sold in sealed ampoules. In this form it can be stored at home for 4-5 weeks. Once the ampoule is opened, the mixture must be consumed within 10-14 days , provided it is stored in the refrigerator.

To drink or not to drink expired?

You can buy expired products not only online.

Sometimes stores have sales on sports nutrition products when they are nearing their expiration date. Whether or not to use this mixture is up to you.

It is unlikely that you will be poisoned by a protein supplement that has expired, but the expected effect may be reduced. Over a certain amount of time, the biological value of the protein supplement is lost and its beneficial properties are reduced.

It all depends on the place and storage conditions of the product.

There is no point in taking such a drug.

Store opened protein packaging in a dry and dark place at room temperature. Dry mixtures can be stored in the temperature range of +5-+25 degrees.

Avoid direct sunlight on the packaging and do not store it in close proximity to heat sources - radiators or stoves. When moisture gets into the mixtures, harmful bacteria begin to multiply and they quickly deteriorate. Taking such a product can definitely lead to poisoning.

Do not leave unsealed packages for a long time - food beetles and their larvae can easily grow in powders. If you are confused by the unpleasant smell of the mixture or it has changed color, the cocktail has a bitter aftertaste, do not consume this product under any circumstances.

Product storage conditions

Both unpacked and unpacked protein powder should be stored in a place where there is no high humidity and room temperature, where sunlight does not penetrate, and away from heating appliances. Violation of storage conditions leads to changes in the properties of the product.

Did you know? It is believed that 1 g of sports nutrition can replace 150–200 g of regular food.

To summarize, we note that protein powder manufacturers guarantee its safety and effectiveness only when consumed within the recommended time frame given on the packaging. After the expiration date, all risks of lack of effect or negative impact on the body are borne by the consumer.

Shelf life of the cocktail

Now it is worth considering another question. The shelf life of protein in an open or poorly closed jar is one thing. How long does a ready-made protein drink retain its properties?

If you are going to prepare the cocktail in advance, then at most this can be done in two or three hours, no more. Otherwise, for example, after five or six hours, the cocktail will definitely disappear. In a matter of hours, all useful components, including protein, are destroyed. Eating spoiled protein doesn't make much sense. Moreover, its taste changes dramatically. And the smell of the cocktail is quite unpleasant, so it is simply impossible to drink it expired.

There is a not entirely correct opinion that if you put the protein prepared for use in the refrigerator, then all the beneficial properties of the drink will be preserved. This is, of course, not true. If the cocktail is cooled, this will stop the destruction of the protein for a maximum of an hour. It is also necessary to observe the expiration date of the protein after preparation.

The shelf life of a cocktail that has already been prepared is even shorter. In this case, it is better to take the protein within 3-4 hours.

Many athletes put the cocktail in the refrigerator and believe that in this way they increase its life expectancy. But that's not true. At best, refrigeration will increase the storage period by half an hour, no more.

– The process of destruction of proteins by other components – enzymes, which are also in the cocktail, starts. If you waste time and don’t drink the finished cocktail 5-6 hours after preparation, it may turn out to be completely useless. It is not difficult to recognize a missing cocktail - its taste changes (it becomes unpleasant), and a nasty smell appears from the mouth.

What if the expiration date has expired?

Identifying expired protein is not always easy. Of course, if we are talking about a finished cocktail, then this can be understood by the taste - the drink becomes extremely unpleasant. In other cases, it is easier to rely on certain factors when making an assessment. Do not forget about where and when you stored the container with the powder. Look at the consistency of the product, monitor your own well-being.

expired protein

By the way, the activity of microorganisms almost instantly affects the condition of the product. The consistency (and sometimes color) of the powder changes, and the taste and smell of the finished cocktail changes.

How to open and drink port wine

When opening and drinking Port, it is very important to remember that the vast majority of Ports are unfiltered wines, meaning that they will form sediment in the bottle and require decanting before drinking. In addition, the decanting process also allows the wine to breathe

It should be noted that you should never disturb the sediment before decanting. If the sediment is disturbed, it may take several days for the sediment to properly distribute and, in most cases, will render the bottle undrinkable.

Today, it is quite easy to open a bottle of port, as most of them come with a reusable stopper. However, the traditional way to open a bottle of port is to use port tongs, which are iron tongs with wooden handles. To use the tongs, you must heat the tongs until red hot and then wrap them around the neck of the bottle just below the stopper.

It is important that the bottle is held firmly in place and does not move sideways during the opening process. The hot tongs are held on the neck of the bottle for 30 seconds, then the tongs are twisted with one sharp movement, thereby disconnecting the neck from the bottle without a single fragment

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Then the wine is filtered into a glass decanter and only then served on the table.

Types of protein

Protein food supplements come in several types, each of them differs in its composition and beneficial components. They are distinguished by the method of purification and preparation:

  1. Protein concentrates - this type of protein is prepared in a way that heats the substance and releases a highly concentrated protein. This type is not particularly expensive; it will contain immunoglobulins, which means that it will support and strengthen the entire body. One of the disadvantages is the presence of other substances in the composition - lactose or fats.
  2. Protein isolates - this type is similar to the first one, but here the resulting substance is filtered, and the final result will be an even more concentrated protein. It will be better absorbed by the body and will not contain “extra” substances. Suitable for people who are afraid of gaining weight when taking supplements.
  3. Hydrolysates are a method in which proteins are broken down by removing bonds with amino acids. In other words, such a product is absorbed easier and better by the human body, because the substance will be half already “processed”, and the body will not have to waste energy processing it. Well suited for those people who suffer from digestive system disorders.

Different types of proteins

Storing domestic sprats

Many housewives make sprats themselves. At the same time, the taste of the fish is slightly different, but this product also contains more benefits. Due to a lesser degree of heat treatment, such canned food retains more nutrients.

You can preserve already smoked fish, which are sold in markets. It looks like a factory-made product, but is not sufficiently heat treated. Therefore, it is better to find a recipe in which the fish is stewed for more time. And then they are rolled into jars with the required amount of hot oil.

The raw fish is cleaned of its entrails, its heads are separated, and it is given a golden hue using black tea. The aroma is obtained by processing with liquid smoke. Such fish can be stored after exposure to high temperature in glass containers filled with a sufficient amount of oil. If you do not seal them hermetically, the shelf life of sprats prepared in this way will be about 3-5 days.

You should know that storing sprats in a warm place after opening the jar, as well as home-cooked products, is strictly prohibited.

Storing sprat in the freezer will cause the product to lose its dense structure (become like porridge). This is due to the critically low temperature for its storage.

How and where should it be stored?

Its further quality directly depends on the correct storage conditions for sports nutrition.

Depending on the type of manufacture of the protein product, the requirements for its storage depend.

Temperature standards for protein preservation are indicated on cans of powder, and it is individual for each type of protein supplement.

  1. Dry mixtures are best stored in a dry, dark place at temperatures up to +22 degrees. A damp room promotes the development of harmful bacteria and microorganisms. If the protein powder has been in a humid atmosphere for a short time, then promptly moving the product to a dry place will save the nutrition from unwanted changes.

Liquid protein mixtures are stored at room temperature; the degree of humidity does not play a special role. Protein whey is available in bottles or ampoules. The mixture in the bottle is opened immediately before use. Store unopened for no more than two weeks, preferably in the refrigerator or other cool, dark place.

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After opening the package

When a package or can of dry formula is opened, the shelf life of the protein supplement is significantly reduced.

The powder should be stored in a dry, cool place, at room temperature, with the container with the powder well sealed.

It is better to consume the food within three weeks.

Long-term storage of opened packaging reduces the effectiveness and benefit of the protein mixture.

Complete whey protein is a derivative of cow's milk, consisting of 80% casein and 20% whey protein.

The main quality of whey protein is its immediate absorption by the body. Muscle tissues are quickly enriched with the necessary elements after a strenuous workout.

The expiration date of the protein is indicated on the packaging - this is the production date or expiration date.

Whey Gold Standard

Whey Gold Standard protein takes a leading position among sports nutrition products due to its positive effect on the body.

The expiration date (indicated by the letters EXP) and quality standards of Wei Gold Standard are indicated on the packaging (can).

Produced in both Europe and the USA.

If it does not contain special additives, then you can use protein powder for not such a long time. Generally, the shelf life with the lid closed is six months to a maximum of three years. Of course, this figure varies depending on the manufacturer. The exact date of manufacture and expiration date can be seen directly on the packaging.

If you suddenly bought expired protein, you most likely will not get poisoned. On the other hand, if you use a product whose permitted use time has expired, the manufacturer does not guarantee effectiveness.

What are the shelf life standards for whey proteins and what do they depend on?

Shelf life standards depend on the primary raw material and protein production technology. Taking this into account, the following types of protein supplements are distinguished:

  1. Whey Protein. This is the most popular variety. The basis of the raw material is whey, from which fats and non-protein substances have been removed. Several versions of this product are produced: concentrate with protein content up to 90% (the rest is fatty residues and lactose), isolate (up to 95% protein) and the purest - hydrolyzate (at least 99% protein).
  2. Milk protein. It is powdered, skimmed milk with vitamin supplements. The composition contains lactate.
  3. Egg type. It is considered one of the most ideal options for amino acid content.
  4. Protein of soy origin. It falls under the plant-based vegetarian category. It contains virtually no fat.
  5. Meat hydrolyzate. This is a beef protein that contains peptides. It has a very high protein content.
  6. Casein. It belongs to complex proteins, phosphoproteins. It is obtained by curdling milk.

Each of the above types of protein has its own specifics, and the expiration date is set by the manufacturer taking into account research results.

Table of terms for different brands

An analysis of various protein mixtures from different manufacturers is shown in the table. It lists the expiration dates established for popular representatives of various types of products.

NameProtein typeExpiration date (month)Storage Features
100% Whey Gold Standard from Optimum NutritionWhey isolate24 per package, up to 30 days after opening, 4 hours – dilutedIn an airtight jar at a temperature of 5-19 degrees
Matrix by SyntraxMulti-component proteinIndicated on the package, after the first use – 36 daysIn a dry, cool place at room temperature, out of direct sunlight
Elite 100% whey protein from Dymatize nutritionWhey24 before opening the package, after opening – 4 weeksDry, cool place, temperature up to 20 degrees
100% Cas Protein from Opeintimum NutritionCasein24 before opening, after first use 24 daysCool dry place, in a jar
ProStar Whey Protein from Ultimate NutritionWhey24 before opening, after opening 3 weeksStandard, in an airtight jar
Syntha-6 from BSNMulti-component, ultra-premium (6 types of protein)Indicated on the package (up to 36 months), after opening - up to 30 daysStandard, protected from sunlight
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