Where can I complain about a collection company that calls about other people’s debts, and how to file a complaint?

How to deal with debt collectors?

When receiving claims for debt repayment, it is first necessary to understand whether the claims made are legitimate. To do this, ask a credit institution or collection agency for documents confirming the existence of the debt - a loan agreement, a guarantee agreement, a collateral agreement, etc.

In the practice of our Law Office, there are often cases of “double debt collection” - a situation where the entire amount due under the contract has already been paid, but the collectors do not hesitate to demand that the non-existent “debt” be repaid again. There are also situations where signatures on loan agreements are forged.

In such situations, it is necessary to immediately contact the court with a request to challenge the transaction in court. A positive outcome of such a case guarantees the termination of collection work, and all legal costs incurred will be recovered from the collectors.

Important: debt collection claims are subject to a three-year statute of limitations, after which debt collectors are unable to claim the debt in the manner prescribed by law in court.

USEFUL: watch a video on how to deal with debt collectors, what to do when debt collectors call and don’t let you live in peace, write your question in the comments to get legal advice for FREE

What to do?

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