What does “ticket without baggage” mean and what is important to remember

Just seven years ago, air ticket fares were standard and included the entire range of services that passengers did not always need. But the air transportation industry does not stand still - the range of offers today has become more flexible. Airlines now offer customers a range of fares that reduce flight prices by excluding certain services. One of these options is the baggage-free fare. Let's figure out what a plane ticket without luggage means, what its advantages and disadvantages are, and what to do if you had to take a suitcase with you after purchasing such an air ticket.

Types of air tickets

First, let's talk about the general classification. Standard tickets are divided depending on the class of service into economy class, business class and first class. Also, some carriers include comfort or improved economy class in their lineup. They differ from each other in the comfort of their seats, the level of service before and during the flight, as well as food on board.

Economy class is often referred to by avid travelers as a “reserved seat” in air travel. Indeed, these are the cheapest air tickets with the minimum necessary set of services. Often these tickets cannot be returned or exchanged without penalty.

Business class is aimed at business people who value comfort. Ticket prices here are much higher, but passengers receive benefits in the form of access to business lounges, priority check-in and boarding, the ability to return and exchange without penalties, and others. On-board amenities in business class are noticeably higher - the seats are wider and more comfortable, the menu is richer, and the service is more attentive.

First class is the highest class of service. There are no restrictions on service and services. And clients can count on a personal approach.

Air ticket fares within the same class of service may differ depending on the categories of passengers and the range of services. However, most often such variety is found in economy class. Here you can also find tickets that do not include luggage.

Extra charge for excess baggage

There are 2 systems:

  • weight;
  • depending on the number of seats.

If we talk about the first one, then it only assumes that the weight of your luggage will be limited. For example, if you can carry only 20 kg, then without additional payment you can take with you only 2 suitcases, the weight of each should not exceed 10 kg. Anything over 20 kg will be considered by the airline as exceeding the norm. You will have to pay extra for excess luggage.

For example, the airline has determined that 20 kg can be carried. You take 2 suitcases with you. 1 bag – 17 kg, and 2 bags – 11 kg. You need to calculate the total amount, it is 28 kg. Subtract the allowed weight of luggage, as a result you will get the following value: 28-20=8. You will have to pay extra for 8 kg.

There is another system, it takes into account the number of seats. If we talk about a flight in economy class, then passengers have the right to check in only 1 suitcase. Its weight should not exceed 23 kg.

Utair airline baggage fees

For a better understanding, it is worth considering 2 examples.

Situation 1. You took 2 suitcases with you on a trip. You loaded the first one lightly - 10 kg, but the second one is heavier - 13 kg. Calculating the total weight, you get 23 kg. But it is worth considering that airlines with such a system also limit the amount of luggage. As a result, you will receive an excess of luggage, it is 1 piece.

Situation 2. You have 1 bag, its weight is 28 kg. Although you fit the number of seats, an excess weight of 5 kg will be recorded.

Tariff "without luggage": advantages

Many domestic airlines practice such tariffs. They may be called differently: “Lite”, “Promo” or “Basic” - but their essence is the same. This is a ticket whose price does not take into account the passenger's baggage allowance. The benefit in this case is obvious to all parties. Airlines save on fuel and on workers, and problems associated with loss or damage to passengers' belongings are eliminated. The clients themselves receive a cheaper offer, paying only for those services in which they are really interested. In addition, those traveling light save time that other passengers spend queuing to check-in and check-in their suitcases at the airport, and after the flight, waiting for their belongings to be unloaded from the plane and delivered to the baggage claim area.

Thus, this tariff is beneficial for those who do not like to take a lot of things on a trip. But in this case, you should be very careful about packing for the trip. Since airlines only allow carry-on luggage, it's important to know what you can and can't bring on board the plane.

How to avoid exceeding standards

If you travel quite often, then it makes sense to purchase a hand scale. This way you will always know the weight of your suitcase. To avoid overweight, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Compare the requirements of different airlines. Permissible overload limits may vary.
  2. Buy a bag or suitcase made of lightweight materials. Sometimes the product itself weighs 5-7 kg.

Example of a luggage scale

Find out the cost of business class tickets. Such tickets are offered by Aeroflot, they can be purchased at UTair.

Passengers, having purchased such a ticket, have the right to carry many things. You are given the opportunity to take 2 seats, transport 2 times 32 kg each.

Of course, such tickets are expensive, it’s easier to just pay extra for the excess. Nevertheless, it is still worth studying the information of air carriers.

Explore the offers that are available to airline customers as part of bonus programs. High-status travelers may carry heavy suitcases. With a weight system, you will be able to carry an additional 10 kg of luggage on the plane. With a seat-based system, you will be entitled to 1 additional piece with 23 kg of baggage. Such privileges are provided to participants of the bonus system who have received silver or gold status. UTair and Aeroflot have developed special offers for passengers who frequently use the services of air carriers.

Bring an extra bag with you when traveling. If the need arises, you will transfer things into it.

Average discount on tickets without luggage

Of course, the question immediately arises of how much you can save on a ticket without luggage. It all depends on the carrier - companies independently set the discount amount. It is worth noting two approaches that airlines use.

Some determine the discount percentage from the regular tariff. In this case, a baggage-free ticket can cost on average 10% cheaper than a regular ticket.

Other airlines set a fixed discount amount - in rubles or other currencies. Here the discount can range from hundreds to thousands of rubles.

You can find out the size of the discount you receive when purchasing a light fare on the airline's website. As a rule, at the stage of booking an air ticket, the system prompts the client to choose a suitable fare and reflects the cost of each offer.

Disadvantages of the tariff

Speaking about baggage-free fares, it is worth separately discussing their disadvantages. And there are a lot of them, because the cheapest tariffs usually exclude not one, but several services at once.

First, be prepared for the fact that your air ticket will be non-refundable. That is, you will not be able to take it if your plans change. Ticket exchange may be possible, but at an additional cost.

Secondly, the number of seats at such fares on one flight is limited, so these tickets sell out quickly.

Thirdly, the service for choosing a seat in the aircraft cabin is often excluded from the tariff. This can only be done for an additional fee.

Another disadvantage concerns participants in airline bonus programs. The number of points awarded for a flight, which can then be exchanged for tickets or other services, directly depends on the ticket fare. Here they are charged at a minimum.

Fifthly, if you need to take a suitcase at the last moment, you will have to pay for it separately and, most often, at an increased rate, so the cost of the flight will ultimately increase significantly.

Pros and cons of such tickets

Flying without luggage entails not only positive, but also negative aspects. The main advantages include:

  • price. The baggage-free ticket type is one of the most budget fares;
  • discomfort. This is due to the absence of the need to worry about the fact that personal belongings with a suitcase will not accidentally get lost during the flight. Passengers can only take small hand luggage.

The main disadvantages include:

  • the presence of established restrictions on weight and declared parameters. Therefore, there are no problems with the total amount of personal belongings. In this case, it is necessary to assess the real need in order to avoid mistakes with the ensuing consequences;
  • financial side. In most cases, the boarding pass is non-refundable. If it is necessary to change the departure date, customers are required to pay an additional fee.

Please note that not all airlines and organized flights offer the option to purchase a boarding pass without baggage. Therefore, it is recommended to check the availability of the hotline by calling or using the official website.

What happens if you have to check your luggage at the airport?

Let's consider the last case separately using the example of different airlines, because they are the ones who set the amount of fees for unexpected baggage.

UTair will charge you 2,500 rubles or 50 euros for each leg of the journey if your flight involves a transfer. It’s cheaper to pay for luggage in advance, at the stage of purchasing a ticket (2000 rubles or 40 euros).

S7 Airlines will have to pay an additional 2,500 rubles for luggage.

Ural Airlines' tariffs include a minimum baggage limit of up to 10 kg. The excess will cost the passenger 2,500 rubles or 40 euros.

Fees for luggage at the airport check-in counter at Pobeda start from 1,000 rubles. You will have to pay another 500 rubles per kilogram if your suitcase exceeds the standards established by the carrier.

How to buy a ticket without luggage

There are no special features when purchasing tickets without luggage. They are sold along with other tickets and are reflected in all systems, including on our website. The main thing is to carefully read and follow all the terms and conditions of the tariff before purchasing.

It also happens that the passenger does not receive any benefits when purchasing a ticket without luggage. Moreover, a traveler who has paid less for a standard fare with luggage and other services can sit next to him. This can happen if you buy airline tickets at the last minute. How long before your trip, as well as what days and times are more profitable to buy air tickets, you can find out here.

Instructions for purchasing tickets online

Air tickets can be purchased through the official S7 website in the “Air tickets” tab.
Next you need to follow the following instructions:

  • the direction of the flight is indicated in a special column;
  • after this, the system will provide the user with a list of available flights. For the convenience of users, the site has a function for sorting flights by city and country, which helps speed up the process of selecting the required destination.

If the client has difficulties selecting flights in this way, he can go to the interactive map to select the desired direction, taking into account the options provided.

If the user confuses the points of departure and arrival, he can easily change them by clicking on the special arrow located right between the data entry windows.

If necessary, the user can find cheaper tickets. For this purpose, you need to use the special flexible search function, which allows you to buy air tickets taking into account your existing budget.

Important! When using the Flexible Search function, the user will not be able to select a class of service.

After the user goes to the “Passengers” tab of the site, it is important to add personal information about the people in whose name the tickets were purchased from S7. Information must be entered in all empty columns, except for the column about participation in the loyalty program. Personal data of passengers is indicated in Latin transliteration. The same applies to passenger passport data.

After completing the ticket booking procedure, the client can proceed to pay for them. This can be done immediately after providing all the necessary information or within three hours from the end of the application. You can pay for an air ticket in several ways, including using a bank card, online wallets, as well as online payment systems Google Pay and Apple Pay.

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