Service life and verification of the electric meter in the apartment

Author of the article

Alexander Georgievich Kondratiev

Alexander Georgievich Kondratiev

An electrical engineer by training, he worked as an electronics engineer, chief engineer at a food company, and general director of a construction organization.

It is difficult to find a house, apartment, garage or cottage that is not equipped with an electricity meter. According to the Government decree, from July 1, 2021, it is recommended to install new generation smart meters in Russia. Installing conventional appliances is not yet prohibited. And only from January 1, 2022, utilities will lose their choice: they will be able to install only smart meters. The replacement of electricity meters with new ones will occur gradually. This will not be done by residents, as before, but by energy workers.

What are smart meters

Such telemetry devices themselves transmit data to utility companies via the Internet. They can be integrated into any electricity metering system.

At the same time, smart electricity meters provide:

  • Primary collection of information about consumed electricity.
  • Accumulate and store data.
  • Transmit information via communication channels to the energy supply organization. For this purpose, wired or wireless communication channels are used.
  • They have the ability to cut off electricity to the consumer or limit consumption. This function is used for persistent defaulters.
  • Transmission of operational information about the state of the network, the occurrence of an emergency or other malfunction.
  • If there is a break-in attempt, failure, exposure to a magnetic field, or illegal connection, it automatically reports this to the dispatcher.
  • Inform the owner about his outstanding payments;
  • They remotely change the tariff plan according to a given algorithm.

Design features

This active electricity meter uses the induction method of operation. It lies in the fact that the voltage and current coils installed in the meter form magnetic flows. The flows intersect with the moving disk, creating transformative currents in it. The consequence of such actions is the activation of the disk, which begins rotational movements corresponding to the power consumed by the load. The spinning disk activates the drive gears, which in turn cause the counting mechanism to rotate. On the scale of the latter, the consumed electrical energy is visually observed.

The power current coil is made of copper wire, which is designed to withstand the high operating current of the electric meter. The voltage coil is mounted in parallel in the circuit and has a conductor of small cross-section. This entire device of the CO-505 electric meter is assembled and packaged in a transparent plastic case, which is made shock-resistant and fireproof.

counter device

What devices need to be replaced?

Important! Old appliances are not outlawed. Conventional electricity meters can work and their readings will be valid until they fail or until their official service life expires.

The owner must know under what conditions it is necessary to change the electricity meter. It is changed if:

  • The service life has come to an end;
  • The inter-verification period has ended;
  • The meter is out of order.

Both individual electricity meters and communal electricity meters are subject to replacement. Starting from January 1, 2021, developers delivering new buildings are required to equip apartment buildings with individual and communal smart electricity metering devices (ISEM). For example, “Phobos” energy meters.

Expired service life

Previously, all electric meters were induction; they served for 30 years, subject to regular verification every 10 years.

If the service life of the electric meter has expired, an employee of the inspection organization draws up a report and issues an order to replace the meter. Further operation of the device is not intended.

The verification period has come

If the verification period has come, you need to inform the organization supplying electricity. They will either carry out verification (at their own expense) or replace the meter.

The device is faulty

You can determine the failure of the electric meter visually. But this is only if it fails and the disk stops rotating.

You can also determine this by monthly payments. If there is a significant difference in payments for the same period, it means that the electricity meter is not working correctly.

If the meter breaks down, the owner must inform the sales organization as soon as possible. This must be done as quickly as possible, because if the inspector discovers this, the owner will be fined for theft of electricity. And it will be significant.

When dismantling the meter, the inspector draws up a report. It displays the nature of the malfunction, the condition of the device, the presence of mechanical influences, and whether the seals are damaged.

An order is issued to replace the meter. The utility companies themselves are obliged to change it.

Electric meter service life

In relation to electricity meters, two basic concepts about timing are used:

  • service life (operation);
  • warranty period;
  • interverification interval.

The service life of an electric meter is the period during which the manufacturer is obliged to provide the consumer with the following conditions:

  • bear responsibility for shortcomings that arise during the operation of the meter due to the fault of the manufacturer;
  • the ability of the consumer to use the device for its intended purpose.

The service life of an electric meter is set by its manufacturer and depends on the accuracy class.

Main types of electricity meters based on operating principle:

  • induction;
  • electronic (static).

Good to know! Electricity meters are also classified by accuracy class. The accuracy class determines the maximum permissible error when measuring electrical energy, expressed as a percentage.

For most household electricity meters, there are 3 accuracy classes: 2.5, 2.0, 1.0. In accordance with new state standards, all meters installed for the first time must have an accuracy class of at least 2.0. Old devices with a lower accuracy class (for example, 2.5) must be replaced with new ones immediately after the verification period has expired.

Note! The service life of a modern meter with accuracy class 2.0 and higher is 30 years or more. For old electricity meters with an accuracy class below 2.0, their service life ends when their verification period expires.

Who should change the meter and at whose expense

Until recently, the responsibility for replacing the electric meter rested with the owner. However, on July 1, 2021, Government Decree No. 554 of April 18, 2020 “On amendments to certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on improving the organization of electrical energy metering” came into force.

By law, energy companies are required to provide commercial metering of electricity in the retail market. The purchase, installation, replacement and commissioning must be carried out by company specialists at their own expense. It is free for the owner.

In case of installation of new equipment, it is recommended to install modern intelligent electricity metering devices. But not everything is so simple.

First of all, meters that have failed or whose service life has expired are subject to free replacement. In addition, owners who do not have electricity meters for one reason or another have the right to free installation of electricity meters.

At the same time, electric meters will be replaced with smart devices. Installation of such meters is beneficial for resource supply organizations. Therefore, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted the Federal Law No. 422 dated May 4, 2012, which stipulates who should pay for the acquisition, installation and commissioning of automated control systems.

  • The law formulates the concepts of “intelligent accounting system” and defines how to understand “fully independent”, “automated” and “remote system”;
  • The deadlines for the transition to an intelligent accounting system have been determined, which allows you to independently collect data and transmit it remotely to the dispatcher according to a specific schedule;
  • The costs of technical re-equipment are borne by resource-supplying and supplying organizations. Moreover, expenses are prohibited from being included in tariffs;
  • Provision is made for the gradual replacement of electricity meters as they fail, their service life expires, or the calibration interval expires. All new buildings put into operation must be equipped with smart electricity meters.

That is, service organizations are obliged to change the electricity meter in the apartment, entrance, or staircase themselves. At the same time, they should not worry whether a meter is installed in a privatized or non-privatized apartment or whether it provides electricity metering in a private house. The owner does not have to buy the device and pay for its installation.

Reasons for replacing the meter

The main reasons for replacing an electricity meter:

  • expiration of the verification period for a device of accuracy class 2.5 and lower;
  • obsolescence. For example, the meter does not have a night tariff function;
  • the energy meter is designed for low power electric current;
  • frequent malfunctions and malfunctions;
  • the meter has not passed verification and cannot be repaired.

Algorithm of actions of the owner

If the deadline for the next verification has come, the service life has expired or the electricity meter is broken, the owner is obliged to contact the energy supply organization as soon as possible.

In this case, the owner must provide the following documents:

  • Citizen's passport, which indicates the address at which the owner is registered;
  • If initial installation is intended, the operator will require a title document for the apartment;
  • If the application is not submitted by the owner, a power of attorney from the property owner will be required;
  • An application is submitted to dismantle the old electric meter, it is considered no more than 7 days;
  • A date is agreed upon for the arrival of an inspector who checks the integrity of the seals. After which an act is drawn up. It indicates the current readings of the device and the reason for dismantling. The meter can be removed by an inspector or an electrician from the supplier company. The work is carried out no later than 15 working days from the submission of the application;
  • After which a new meter is installed;
  • An act is drawn up indicating the surname, first name, patronymic of the owner, and residential address. Meter type, initial readings, readings of the old electric meter, reason for replacement, seal data.

It should be taken into account that drawing up an act is not the basis for calculating payments on the meter. The supplying organization is obliged to make changes to the supply agreement. The owner can learn about changes when receiving a receipt for electricity payment.

Instrument verification timeframes

Verification is a test of an electric meter in a special accredited laboratory, during which the accuracy of the measuring ability of the device is checked. For meters, depending on their type, different verification intervals are established, during which the instrument readings can be considered valid.

There are three types of verifications:

  1. initial verification performed after production;
  2. periodic – performed at certain intervals;
  3. extraordinary.

Let's celebrate! The point in time for periodic verification is counted from the moment of the initial verification of the device, the date of which is indicated in the technical passport.

Depending on the type of electric meter, the verification intervals are:

  • for mechanical induction disk - no more than 8 years:
  • for electronic digital – no more than 16 years.

Calibration intervals are indicated in the device passport. After verification, a corresponding mark is placed in the passport, or a certificate is issued.

Indications for extraordinary verification

Extraordinary verification is carried out in the following cases:

  • the passport for the device or the verification certificate has been lost;
  • it is necessary to adjust or configure the meter;
  • the verification stamp is damaged;
  • periodic verification was missed;
  • The meter has been subjected to shock or is not operating satisfactorily.

Beware, scammers!

Not everyone understands the meaning and order of innovations. And scammers take advantage of this. They try to impose paid services on apartment owners.

Now the service organization notifies the owners in writing about the need to replace the old electric meter, which has reached the end of its service life, with a new one.

It’s easy to buy a database of owners with electric meter data on the Internet. Fraudsters call clients by manipulating laws. The main task of scammers is to force the owner to change the device at his own expense.

They often go around apartments and, using intimidation with large fines, force them to change a working electric meter. Draw up a contract for the sale of an electric meter and services for its replacement. They take money. To install the seal, it is recommended to contact the energy sales service.

Remember: changing electricity meters is now required free of charge. If you are offered to buy a device and demand money, it means they are scammers.

It is impossible to sue for unauthorized actions of a third party. The owner signs contracts and pays for purchased equipment and services voluntarily.

If the owner is forced to provide a service to replace the electric meter, you need to call the organization and find out whether specialists have been sent to your address.

Who is responsible for the safety of the meter and seals?

If electric meters are installed inside a residential or non-residential premises, responsibility for the safety of the device and seals rests with the owner of the property. This is determined by Government Decree No. 354 of 05/06/11.

And the safety of seals and meters located on staircase landings must be ensured by the organization involved in the operation of the housing stock.
What is determined by the Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation No. 170 of September 23, 2003. Useful article? Rate and share with friends!

Advantages and disadvantages

During development and over many years of operation, the SO-505 electricity meter acquired a number of advantages:

  • Availability of a margin of technological accuracy.
  • High level of cleanliness on the surfaces of moving mechanical parts of the bearing and counting unit.
  • Wear-resistant plastic materials.
  • The presence of properties that prevent the theft of electricity - a transparent body, a reverse stopper, or the impossibility of reverse movement of the counting mechanism.
  • Fireproof structural elements.
  • Impact resistance of the SO-505 electric meter.
  • Hermetically sealed housing prevents moisture and dust from entering.
  • Protection of the shell from unauthorized penetration of solid foreign objects.

The disadvantages include not the highest accuracy class and overall dimensions that exceed analogues. Compared to modern models, it has a morally outdated appearance.

meter connection

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