Who should pay for the replacement of the electricity meter?

What laws determine responsibility for metering devices?

The metering device can calculate the electricity consumption in the apartment, at the entrance, in the common area. Legislation in the public utilities sector regulates the issue of who should change the electricity meters on the staircase .

Electric meters are maintained by the electricity supplier and management company. Their actions are regulated by the Civil and Residential Code.

IMPORTANT! By law, both the management company and the owners of apartments (privatized) must ensure accurate and reliable operation of metering devices.

It is also mandatory to comply with Government Decrees No. 530 (08/31/2006) , No. 491 (08/13/2006), Federal Law No. 261 (11/23/2009) .

Residents of apartments and employees of the management company must act in accordance with the law. A damaged meter must be promptly replaced with a high-quality, modern and reliable device.

If apartment owners ignore the importance of this meter and do not allow electricians to replace it, they will pay for electricity at an inflated rate.

Features of meter maintenance in a privatized apartment

Electricity meters can be located in a privatized apartment .
The owners of this property have the right by law to choose a convenient time to check and service the meter. If the supplier plans to carry out maintenance work, he must notify the customer. Perhaps the apartment owner does not want to change his appliance, which is burnt out or broken and gives incorrect data, but electricity tariffs will be inflated in this case.

ATTENTION! According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 530, the financial costs of checking the electric meter in a privatized apartment, installation, dismantling, and maintenance are borne by the homeowners.

The owner will pay for the replacement of only the device that is located inside the premises. The devices on the site are common house equipment, work with it is financed by the management company .

Who should maintain technical electricity meters?

Electrical work has the right to be carried out by employees who have studied the safety rules and received at least the 3rd qualification category. Maintenance includes:

  • removing dirt from the front panel and equipment body;
  • monitoring the reliability of the power circuit connection;
  • performance check.

The frequency of actions is fixed in the schedule of planned preventive activities of the service company.

Replacement of devices on staircase landings

On the landing and in non-privatized apartments, according to Article 543 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, electricity meters must be changed free of charge by the management company. In order for the company to be responsible for performing these works, apartment owners must enter into an agreement with it.

This document specifies all the nuances of cooperation with the management company, which maintains apartment meters and electricity meters at the entrance in apartment buildings. The electricity supplier in an apartment building is obliged not only to change metering devices, but also to maintain them and conduct regular checks.

In order to ensure that as few conflict issues as possible arise between the residents of the house and the service company, it is necessary to sign an agreement between the parties.

It indicates whose property is the meter on the landing, and whether it is necessary to pay for the replacement of the electric meter if it was damaged by the actions of the residents.

The contract must be drawn up by specialists, and consumers must carefully study the contents before signing it. After this, they will not have any questions about who owns the meter on the stairs or in the apartment. If electricians are forced to pay for the maintenance of the device, a signed agreement will be an excellent protection against extortion.

ATTENTION! It is necessary to indicate in the text of the document who pays for the replacement of equipment damaged due to the fault of the consumer.

It is recommended to protect the meter design with a special screen; in this case, no one will be able to damage it, break the seal, or disrupt the operation of the device.

What should residents of an apartment building do if the agreement with the electricity supplier and management company did not indicate whose property the meter on the site is and did not stipulate its free replacement?

In this case, you need to gather the residents and resolve this issue with the management company; you may need to raise money to replace the common building meter. When signing a subsequent contract, you must include a clause about the responsibility of the parties, free maintenance of appliances, electrical panels in the entrances of residential buildings.

At whose expense are electricity meters replaced: rules and procedure

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Devices with accuracy class 2.5 are subject to replacement; faulty; with a broken viewing glass; with expired verification period. Mandatory replacement is provided for devices of class 2.5.

When the installation and connection of the metering device is completed, you need to call an employee of the organization. He draws up a document confirming the fact that the work was performed, the seal was placed, and the testimony. Replacing an electricity meter can only be done if you have the necessary skills. I inherited a business from my father, which was, to put it mildly, unprofitable. There was neither the desire nor the opportunity to do it. In order not to lose money, I decided to liquidate the company. It turned out that it is not so simple. There were some nuances there. An acquaintance brought me to . I must say we got to work right away. Issues regarding the company were resolved, successfully liquidated, and quite quickly. The lawyer they contacted before them painted a different picture. So I'm happy.

The old meters, which were installed 15-20 years ago, can no longer cope with the sharply increased power, so they are being routinely replaced in all city apartments. The counter has expired. The deadline is set by the manufacturer and must be indicated on the box. On average it ranges from twenty-five to thirty-two years. In addition, you should be aware of such a phenomenon as the “test interval”. This is the frequency of testing, which is indicated in the device passport.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation defines the rights of owners of privatized apartments. In accordance with the regulations of the current legislation, city property owners have the right to independently choose the time for maintenance of electric energy meters.

Let's take a closer look at who should replace the electricity meters installed on the landing for various reasons.

During the period between the permit and installation of equipment, electricity consumption is determined according to standards. It turns out that payment will not be made for the resources spent. Therefore, the time frame within which all the work will be completed is important here.

Induction meters have high reliability and two important drawbacks:

  1. Impossibility of generation in ASKUE.
  2. Work with one tariff.

Basic rules of service

Residents of apartment buildings with common property should know:

  • in municipal apartments, the electric meter is changed by the owner of the property, for example, the education department or the city executive committee;
  • electricity meters on the landing, which are common house equipment, are replaced by electricians from the supplier or from the management company.
  • the owner of a privatized apartment is responsible for all engineering and communication systems inside the premises, as well as for the operation of the electric meter, even if it is located on the site. He must ensure the replacement of a faulty or expired device and pay for the work of electricians.

If there are any misunderstandings about whose balance the devices are located, you need to find out the responsible organization, you can contact Mosenergosbyt, representatives of the Electric Network, or the management of the management company.

Payment for maintenance of common property is included in utility bills. And residents of an apartment building do not have to pay again for the same services, including checking and replacing meters.

Turnaround time

New meters are installed after the service life of the previous equipment has expired, and in case of damage to the device.

  • Replacement is necessary when mechanical damage is visible on the device or the display does not clearly show the data.
  • A new device is installed after the verification interval has expired.
  • The meter can also be changed if the seals are broken or damaged.

If the device fails, installation of a new one is carried out upon the call of the homeowner. Even if the device is located on the landing, it must give reliable indicators of energy consumption, work accurately and reliably.

IMPORTANT! You should monitor when the service life of the meter ends and promptly report it to the management company or the supplier’s organization.

If the electric meter does not work, you should look at the contract for the supply of electricity - it indicates the person responsible for maintenance, repair, and inspection.


After establishing the reason why the meter needs to be changed, you need to determine the sequence of replacement actions. It is also necessary to monitor the dates of the last and next equipment inspection. Despite the fact that this is the work of energy companies, you may inadvertently miss the notice of a scheduled inspection on your receipt and receive a fine for late inspection.

Before addressing questions regarding meters, you need to check whether the electrical wiring in the house is in order. If there are malfunctions, they should be eliminated so that there are no difficulties when installing a new device. Next, you need to request a copy of the contract from the management company in order to study all its points again. In this document, you will need to pay attention to the date of its conclusion and the time the apartment was accepted for balance. If there is no information about acceptance on the balance sheet, this means that the owner is the citizen.

Afterwards, you will need to request documentation on energy accounting for the region from energy sales. To do this, there is no need to go to the organization in person. All information is available on the Internet on official websites.

Who does the installation?

Specialists from the electricity supplier company have the right to install new metering equipment and seal it .
To carry out work, they receive a special permit, supported by experience, qualifications, and accreditation. Professional electricians also carry out the removal of the meter from the apartment to the entrance at the request of the homeowners.

ATTENTION! Owners of privatized apartments must also call an electrician from the management company to replace the meter.

If you install an electricity meter yourself, you still cannot do without a visit from a specialist. Only he can seal the device and check the correctness and safety of its installation.

The electrician will connect the device to the network and put it into operation. When replacing an old device with a new one, a report must be drawn up indicating the exact readings at the time of commissioning.

Accounting for electricity consumption in the apartment begins with these indicators.

Who should install electricity meters?

It's fast and free!

When the meter is located in a home, the question arises of who is the owner of the metering device, since most of the time it is not the owner of the home.

An exception may be the fact that the HOA and other management forms of the house appeared after meters were installed in the housing. These circumstances require the availability of the original document (copies of it are retained by energy sales and must be provided upon subscriber requests)

Installation of electricity meters in an apartment: is it possible to install requirements for placement, how to save on payments

These deadlines are also regulated by the PUE.

The basic standards do not have clear requirements for the design features of electrical panels. However, there are still certain conditions:

  1. so that there are no obstacles to installing the meter at an angle of up to one degree;
  2. it is necessary to ensure the possibility of comfortable replacement of equipment;
  3. there must be free access to the terminals of the electric meter and to the current transformer;
  4. It is very important to ensure that all installation and repair work is carried out from the outside of the equipment.

To attach electric meters, it is allowed to use panels made of wood, plastic and metal.

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