Fine for illegal parking in Moscow 2021 - discounts and amount

In 2021, the fine for non-payment of parking in Moscow is 5,000 rubles.

Car owners almost every day face the problem of parking a vehicle. The most pressing issue faces residents of the capital. There are many places in Moscow where staying requires paid parking. You can pay for parking in various ways, however, if you do not do this, then in 2021 you will have to pay a fine for non-payment of parking. The amount will be much greater than the cost of parking itself in Moscow.

When is a fine imposed for non-payment of parking in Moscow?

The traffic rules contain clauses indicating the need to pay a fine for violations of parking rules. The owner needs to take into account the following points:

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  • the method of placing a car in a parking area is determined by markings or a special road sign;
  • a special “P” sign must be installed in the parking area, as well as a sign with the image of coins;
  • accompanying the signs is an inscription about the entrance to the territory for parking cars.

A parking fine will be imposed on a driver who ignores the above points of the rules. Organizing spontaneous parking in the wrong place, non-payment for parking, exceeding the paid time - all this is punishable. If these violations are detected, the car owner will have to pay a fine.

Table with fines for non-payment of parking by cities with a population of over a million

Rice. 1 Table of parking fines

The maximum fine in Moscow is 5,000 rubles per offense. This amount increases to 7,500 rubles; the citizen’s vehicle was sent to a impound lot.

Each day spent in the impound lot is paid by the driver at a rate of 1,000 rubles per 24 hours. If a motorist does not take care to pick up the vehicle in a timely manner, his fine may increase several times.

Currently, the legislator allows local governments of constituent entities of the Russian Federation to independently regulate the issue of determining the amount of sanctions for unpaid parking.

We will provide a summary table that will help motorists from large cities compare the amount of fines for traffic violations.

CitySumGrounds for sentencing
Moscow5000 rublesArticle 8.14 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Moscow
Saint Petersburg3000 rublesArticle 37-2 of the Law “On Administrative Offenses in St. Petersburg” No. 273-70 of May 31, 2010
Samara1500 rublesArticle 4.29 of the Law “On Administrative Offenses on the Territory of the Samara Region” No. 115-GD dated November 1, 2007
Nizhny Novgorod1000-2000 rublesArticle 3.10 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Nizhny Novgorod Region No. 34-3 dated May 20, 2003
Rostov-on-Don1500 rublesArticle 5.3 of the Law of the Rostov Region “On Administrative Offenses” No. 273-ZS dated October 25, 2002
Ekaterinburg1000-5000 rublesArticle 19 of the Law “On Administrative Offenses on the Territory of the Sverdlovsk Region” No. 52-OZ dated June 14, 2005
Krasnodar1000 rublesArticle 3.10 of the Law of the Krasnodar Territory “On Administrative Offenses” No. 608-KZ dated July 23, 2003
Ufa500-2500 rublesArticle 8.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Bashkortostan No. 413-z dated June 23, 2011
Novosibirsk1000-3000 rublesArticle 8.18.1 of the Law “On Administrative Offenses in the Novosibirsk Region” No. 99-OZ dated February 14, 2003

Based on the data described, we can conclude that the highest fines are set in the capital. In other regions, the sanction will range from 500 to 5000 rubles. In some areas, there is special legislation that provides for punishment not only for individuals, but also for legal entities. Officials may be held legally liable for violating traffic rules.

How long can you park for free in paid parking in Moscow?

In 2021, every 15 minutes, mobile fixation complexes, abbreviated as MKF, pass through the territory of paid parking lots in Moscow. They monitor compliance with the rules for paid parking of a car. If the payment is overdue, and this fact was recorded by the ICF within 5 minutes , then you should wait for a notification of a fine issued for non-payment of parking.

The facts described above mean that the maximum possible time for free parking in a paid area can be 5 minutes. If, upon repeated passage, the system again detects a vehicle whose owner has not received payment, then the formation of a protocol and the issuance of a fine begins. Some parking lots offer free parking on Saturdays and Sundays.

Amounts of fines

The amount of monetary punishment for violating paid parking rules in Moscow in 2021 is much higher than the amount that should be paid in the parking lot. He leaves 5000 rubles. If the vehicle was evacuated, then the owner will have to replenish the state treasury by 7,500 rubles.

It is important to remember that a parking lot also means you have to pay for it. Every day of transport there will cost 1000 rubles. This often leads to a sharply increasing financial penalty for negligent owners who leave their cars in places not intended for this purpose.

Useful tips: how to avoid a fine

To avoid the unpleasant need to pay another fine, you need to choose your parking spot very carefully. Drivers should not stop in places such as:

  • Zones where stopping and parking are prohibited.
  • Surfaces without asphalt coating.
  • Places where there is a large number of vehicles at a minimum distance.
  • Parallel to the roadway in the second row.
  • In close proximity to railway crossings, pedestrian crossings and public transport stops.
  • Entrances and exits from the courtyard area.

How to check the fine?

A paper copy of the resolution on a fine for non-payment of parking in Moscow in 2021, as a rule, arrives by mail to the violator’s address. This does not always happen in a timely manner, as a result of which the owner may lose the right to preferential payment. There are a number of ways to find out if there are unpaid parking fines in Moscow:

  1. Free message to number 7377. The text of the message should be as follows: fine 77ав145625, where 77ав is the series, and 145625 is the STS number.
  2. A free message to number 7377 with the following content: fine 77ав145625, where 77ав is the series, and 145625 is the driver’s license number.
  3. On the State Services portal. There you will need to enter the driver's license number, as well as the data on the vehicle registration certificate.
  4. Subscribe to notifications (both via SMS and email).
  5. Request on the traffic police website. In a special form you will need to enter the car number and the details of the car owner’s documents.
  6. Mobile application called “Moscow Parking”. After entering these documents, you should select the “Fines” section in the application, which will contain up-to-date information about all violations.

For greater reliability, you can consider using two services at the same time. This will eliminate the possibility that the notice of a fine for non-payment of parking in Moscow arrived very late.

Methods for checking fines

Typically, notification of a particular fine is sent to a citizen by mail. But this does not always happen on time and then time will be lost, during which only half of the fine can be paid. To prevent this from happening, any driver can independently check whether he has an unpaid fine or not. And the ways to do this are:

  • Send an SMS to the toll-free number 7377. In the SMS, type the following: fine ХХАВ123456, where ХХАВ is the driver’s STS series, and 123456 is his number.
  • Send an SMS to the toll-free number 7377, but with a different text: fine UUAV123456, where UUAV is a series of driver’s licenses, and 123456 is their number.
  • Check on the government services website. To do this, the driver only needs to know the series and number of his driver’s license and fill out the vehicle registration information.
  • Subscribe to notifications via SMS or email about received fines.
  • Check on the official website of the traffic police. To do this, you need to enter the necessary information on the website in a special form.
  • There is also an application for phones, “Moscow Parking”, which not only shows parking locations, but also in a special section shows fines issued to a registered citizen.

To be sure that you don’t miss a single fine, you can check for them in several ways at the same time, and it’s better to do this regularly.

Step-by-step instructions for checking fines for non-payment of parking in Moscow through State Services

In the digital age, checking fines is very easy. In 2021, the Internet has almost completely freed people from the need to visit banks. You can manage finances and payments remotely. A verified profile on the State Services service is well suited for this. There you can check for any unpaid fines.

The sequence of actions is very simple.

  1. In the “ section, select the line “Car and traffic fines”.

  2. In the “Traffic Police Fines” category, click the “Get service” button.
  3. After filling out all the fields with the vehicle data, you must click the “Find fines” button.
  4. On the page that opens after filling out the data, study the data on fines. If available, the system will offer to pay for them immediately.

It is important that according to the law, if fines are detected in a timely manner, you can take advantage of the benefit and pay only half of the amount due. The validity period of such relief is 20 days from the date of registration of the decision on the offense. In 2021, the discount does not apply to Moscow. Fines issued for failure to pay for placing a vehicle in a paid parking lot must be paid in full.

How to challenge a fine

If the car owner has received a notice of a fine and he does not agree with it, then:

  1. First of all, you need to find out who issued the penalty. This can be established by checking the first digits of the UNN number, which are displayed in the resolution:
  • Traffic police -188.
  • MADI – 782 or 035604.
  • AMPP – 780 or 0355 – (the 50% discount does not apply here).
  1. The car owner can challenge the penalty no later than 10 days after receiving the decision, by sending a complaint to the department that issued the fine, or to a higher structure.
  2. If the deadline for filing a complaint is missed, the driver can restore the deadline for appealing in court, providing compelling arguments for such an event.
  3. If the decision to appeal to the listed services does not suit the car owner, he can file a claim with the court.

Below is a table with the addresses of Moscow departments where you can challenge the decision.

In order to have the fine cancelled, the car owner will need to present weighty arguments proving his innocence (photographs, video camera images, video recorder images (if available), witness testimony and other materials proving his innocence).

If the result is negative, you will have to pay a fine. In this case, it is better to repay it within 20 days to take advantage of the 50% discount.

Payment of the penalty

There are several ways to pay fines for parking a vehicle in Moscow with violations:

  • bank branch;
  • Moscow Parking application;
  • online accounts of most banks.

When paying, you must take into account one nuance: if a fine is imposed for failure to pay for parking, then when filling out the payment details, you must indicate the UIN of the fine. The system assigns this identification number to each administrative violation protocol. If the payment is not made by the violator, then the payer’s details should be indicated.

Rules for using paid parking

Rice. 4 Rules for using paid parking

Drivers are given only 5 minutes to pay the required commission. In Moscow, the cost of parking ranges from 40 to 200 rubles per 1 hour.

How long can you stand for free?

Free parking period is up to 5 minutes. Until 2021, drivers had 15 minutes to deposit funds. However, recent deliveries have reduced this period by 3 times to avoid abuse.

When do you need to pay for parking?

Paid parking services must be paid upon arrival at the parking space. Parking lots are equipped with video surveillance cameras, so information about violations of current rules is promptly transmitted to the road inspection authorities.

Payment methods for parking

There are many options to pay off the fine. Individuals can do this:

  • At any ATM.
  • Through your bank's online application.
  • On the government services portal.
  • On the traffic police website.
  • In the Moscow parking application.

Payment period

In most cases, notification of a fine for non-payment of parking is available in all systems within three days. A letter in Moscow can also arrive within this time frame. Information about the offense must be accompanied by a photograph of the car. The maximum period during which a motorist receives information about a violation is 7 days.

It is important that you cannot rely on the postal service. The letter may arrive very late, up to 3 weeks. You cannot throw away the envelope, since it contains information necessary for a possible appeal of the decision - the date of receipt of the receipt. Modern technologies make it possible to obtain the necessary information much faster.

The violator is given 60 days to pay the fine for non-payment of parking in Moscow in 2021. The countdown will begin after the expiration of the 10-day period, which is allotted for a possible appeal of the decision. Formally, the vehicle owner has 70 days to replenish the state treasury with an amount equal to the amount of the fine.

What happens if I do not pay the fine within 60 days?

According to the legislative norms of the Russian Federation, payment of the penalty for unpaid parking must be made within 60 days from the date of delivery of the resolution. If the payment deadline is missed, the resolution will be sent to the bailiff department, where enforcement proceedings will be initiated.

To ensure that the fine is not increased, the violator is given 5 days to independently repay the overdue arrears. If this is not fulfilled, the bailiff will be forced to apply all possible measures to the offender, within the legislative framework, to forcibly collect the debt.

Thus, a seemingly harmless violation in the form of failure to pay a fine for unpaid parking can turn into a serious problem, the consequences of which can cost the violator much more. Moreover, the fine will be demanded in any case, whether he wants it or not, and in a larger amount - which can reach up to 9,000 rubles and with the adoption of some restrictions on the violator, for example, a ban on traveling abroad.

To summarize, it should be noted that when you receive a notice of a fine, it is best to pay it on time. And taking into account the discounts provided on the amount of fines when paying it before 20 days, it is much more profitable to pay off the debt without delay.

Penalties for non-payment of parking in Moscow

You are given 60 days to repay the debt. After this period, information about the delay is transferred to the bailiffs. In addition to the fact that they are obliged to seek repayment of the debt in full, penalties will be added to the amount of the fine. If the fine is not paid for a long period of time, its size due to such punishment may double or even triple.

It is also important that the job of bailiffs is to impose restrictions on the debtor’s movement around the world. He is prohibited from traveling outside Russia (or entering its territory). Such details are revealed, as a rule, at the most unexpected moment, when the defaulter with a suitcase is standing almost at the plane's ramp.

Is there a discount for paying a fine for non-payment of parking in Moscow?

January 1, 2021 is the date from which you can take advantage of the discount on fines. This reduction applies if the debt is repaid within 20 days from the date of the decision. However, there are exceptions to this good rule.

Thus, part 1.3 of Article 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation does not apply to this type of fine such as failure to pay for a parking space in 2021. This means that all amounts issued for this administrative offense will have to be paid into the state treasury in full.

Consequences of non-payment

Paying fines on time is the best thing a car owner who has “offended” the state can do. If funds are not received from the owner of the vehicle within the 60 days allotted by law, then his case falls into the hands of the bailiffs. Initiating enforcement proceedings is not the best outcome for a citizen of the Russian Federation in 2021.

The amount of the fine for non-payment of parking in Moscow will not be increased if the owner pays the debt within 5 days after the bailiffs’ reminder. If this does not happen, the bailiff will begin to take measures aimed at correcting the situation. Such actions will be aimed at collecting the debt from the violator as soon as possible.

As methods of influence, the bailiff can use the following tools:

  • seizure of the owner's bank accounts;
  • seizure of property belonging to the owner of the car;
  • restriction on crossing the borders of the Russian Federation (if the amount exceeds 10,000 rubles);
  • deprivation of a residence agreement (in case of triple violation of this article of the law);
  • reimbursement of legal costs incurred by the state when initiating a case of an administrative offense.

If a motorist still does not repay his debt for a long time, he may be subject to correctional labor or arrest for 50 days.

Are people with disabilities fined?

Drivers with health limitations or relatives transporting them sometimes wonder why they were fined for failure to pay for paid parking in Moscow in 2021. The fact is that guaranteed protection from a fine is only possible if the vehicle was left in an area that has a special designation - “Disabled”.

There is free parking for disabled people in a paid parking lot. It is important that the vehicle is left in a specially designated place. If everything was done according to the rules, then upon receiving a fine you must contact the traffic police and appeal the decision. You should have a document with you that confirms your disabled status. The error may occur due to a simple mistake or missing signs on the machine.

What to do if the fine arrived by mistake?

The operation of equipment, the human factor, errors in the system - these are the factors that can cause an incorrectly issued fine. Some car owners think that, due to complete confidence in their innocence, they can take no action and simply not pay to the state.

This behavior is a big mistake. If you do not clarify the issue of the legality of such a decision, then you can get into much bigger problems with the law. It is important that if you are absolutely sure that the fine is wrong, you should appeal the decision using evidence of your innocence.

Is it possible to challenge a fine for non-payment of parking in Moscow?

The appeal is carried out within 10 days from the moment the decision was received. You can confirm the correctness of your words with the help of photo and/or video evidence obtained in the parking lot. Information about road signs and markings must be clearly visible on the materials.

If the notification contains information about a violation during the citizen’s absence from the city on the specified day, then as evidence you can attach a check from a hotel, a plane or train ticket, or other documents confirming the fact of absence. The appeal will be reviewed and a decision made within 10 working days.

Appealing a fine for non-payment of parking in Moscow in 2021 is possible only in a number of cases. Thus, one can argue with decisions made for the following violations:

  • There is only a “Parking” sign in the parking lot;
  • in the parking lot there is only a “Paid services” sign;
  • there are no markings for parking spaces;
  • the receipt letter was forged;
  • employees made mistakes when photographing the violation.

If there were reasons for stopping in the wrong place that are considered valid, then they must be documented. In this case, you can get the fine for non-payment of parking in Moscow canceled.

To appeal an incorrectly issued fine in 2021, there are a number of conditions:

  • the appeal is made within 10 days;
  • you must fill out a complaint form;
  • it is important to have evidence of innocence.

You can appeal the decision in one of three ways:

  1. Personally.
  2. Via Russian Post.
  3. Remotely, via the Internet.

After the end of the appeal period (10 days from the date of receipt of the decision), it will be impossible to express your disagreement. Only one option will help the owner achieve justice in this case - filing a petition with a request to increase the period. In such a situation, the case may take a long time to be considered; there are no guarantees for extending the appeal period.

In what cases is a fine imposed for illegal parking?

An incorrectly parked car is an administrative offense that is regulated by separate articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Thus, according to Article 12.16 Part 4 of the Administrative Code, for failure to comply with parking rules and ignoring requirements that prohibit parking a car in a specific place, the driver will be forced to pay a certain amount to the state.

In case of a similar violation in cities of federal significance, namely in St. Petersburg and Moscow, the preventive measure can be doubled. This rule is regulated in Article 12.16 Part 5 of the Code of Administrative Offences.

The preventive measure for parking in the wrong place is also indicated in certain parts of Articles 12.10, 12.17, 12.19, 12.28 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses of a specific city or region.

You can learn about the basic parking rules in section 12 of the traffic rules. According to section 12.4 of the Road Traffic Regulations, the car cannot be parked on:

  1. On tracks and railway crossings, as well as at a dangerous distance from them.
  2. Pedestrian crossings or intersections. The car must be at least 5 m away from these places.
  3. Distance closer than 15 m from public transport and taxi stops.
  4. Highways and narrow roads, thereby interfering with the movement of other vehicles.
  5. Bicycle trails.
  6. Lawn (green area) and sidewalks.
  7. Parking without observing the time limit, if present.
  8. A parking space for disabled people if the driver of the car is not one.
  9. Paid parking without paying for parking time.

Important! Parking is also prohibited in places with signs prohibiting stopping, under (and on) bridges and overpasses, as well as in tunnels.

For ignoring these rules, the driver will be held liable in accordance with current legislation. The severity of the penalty will depend on the type of violation, since there is no fixed amount for parking in an unauthorized place.

Required documents for appeal

In order to appeal a fine for non-payment of parking in Moscow quickly and without problems, the following types of documents should be attached to the appeal:

  • statement;
  • photos with clearly visible violations in the form of poor-quality or missing markings;
  • a photograph of a sign indicating the beginning of paid parking;
  • evidence of your innocence (if available);
  • certificate of disability;
  • parking receipt.

After the complaint has been submitted, you must wait for a decision. The traffic police may cancel the fine, which, however, rarely happens. If the vehicle owner still disagrees and continues to insist on his innocence, he can go to court. This authority takes longer to make a decision; the period can reach 2 months.

Who issues a fine for parking without paying?

All traffic-related violations are identified by traffic police officers. In addition, there are special services that manage such parking lots. For example, in Moscow this organization is called “Mosparking”. Its employees are also authorized to issue receipts.

Accordingly, the application for appeal must be sent to the authority that issued the demand for payment.

Application to appeal a fine for non-payment of parking in Moscow

Filling out a complaint form is usually not difficult. The applicant needs to enter his data in just a few fields. This:

  • Full Name;
  • address;
  • telephone and email;
  • date of the decision;
  • the official who issued the fine;
  • No. of the administrative violation case.

After all the data has been entered in the header of the application and in the appropriate places in the text of the complaint, you should concisely and to the point state the essence of your disagreement with the resolution. Here are all the reasons why a fine for non-payment of parking in the capital should be recognized as erroneous.

Applications for appealing a fine for non-payment of parking in Moscow can be found here.

How long will it take for the fine to arrive?

A violator of administrative law who fails to pay a fine on time receives a written copy of the decision. The act is sent in the form of a postal letter, which is sent to the citizen’s registration address within a 10-day period.

The legal document states:

  • Date and place of adoption of the decision on an administrative offense.
  • Full name of the offender.
  • The basis for imposing punishment, indicating the specific article of the normative act.
  • Name of the body that made the decision.
  • The amount of the penalty for being late when paying for a parking space.
  • Deadline for repaying debts to the federal budget.

Step-by-step instructions for appealing

If the owner of a car received a receipt for non-payment of parking in Moscow and decided to challenge this decision, then the sequence of his actions should be as follows:

  • studying the receipt and identifying the organization from which the penalty was imposed - this can be done using codes (MADI, STSI or AMPP);
  • collection of documents proving the applicant’s innocence;
  • writing the text of the complaint on a special form with the most detailed description of the factors indicating innocence;
  • sending a complaint to the appropriate authority and monitoring the acceptance of the document;
  • Expect a response within 10 days.

Thus, if the event described in the decision did not occur or the applicant has strong evidence of his innocence, one can safely attempt to appeal the decision already made. This can also be done if there was a violation of the procedure at the time the resolution was issued.

Wrongly receiving a fine

With modern applications and programs, sometimes crashes occur that record false violations. Sometimes a car owner receives a ticket for unpaid parking by mistake, for a violation that he did not commit.

In this case, this circumstance cannot be left to chance - “maybe it will resolve.” If the necessary measures are not taken, the fine will ultimately be collected by force.

If the driver is confident that a penalty has been imposed unlawfully, he must challenge it within 10 days by filing a complaint with the traffic police and providing documents proving his case.

If you cannot prove innocence, it is better to immediately pay the fine within 20 days and receive a 50% discount.


You can appeal the decision online. To do this, go to the Autocode portal. You will have to enter the document (resolution) number in the application field. This will help determine which agency issued the fine.

The next point is the reason for the complaint. It should be stated clearly and reasonably. The reasons may be:

  • the markings are poorly visible;
  • parking was carried out in an authorized place;
  • there was a stop at the request of a traffic police officer;
  • parking was paid;
  • special powers (disability, large families).

Taking into account these nuances, filing a complaint via the Internet will not take much time. If you have any questions, you can use the hotline number +74999385082 for Moscow.

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